march 5th, 2021

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hi hyunsuk :DD <33

today is rly the most glorious day- you know how just one tweet alone from you is enough to make me so endlessly excited??? this morning really was one of the biggest blessings ever b-because , you tweeted twice in a row— first was just behind the scenes from you guys' drama, it looked like? the pics were really precious omggg- it must've been really cold while you guys were filming cause u were bundled up in so many warm looking layers plus that cute little scarf !!! it kind of reminded me of something :00 like,, in persona 5 royal, in the late half of the game, around december/january,, my favourite character yusuke got a cool scarf :DD but it sort of had an eccentric design so the other characters clowned him for it,, so it's not exactly the same, but since you two are my favourites i kind of have this tendency to try and connect you guys when i can~ T_T but all of those pictures might be some of my new favourites, just because i always enjoyed seeing you in glasses too :DD and for the whole episode you had those precious little glasses on the whole time- i feel bad 'cause i feel like i might have been maybe focusing too much on how precious you looked- :0 don't get me wrong 'cause you acted rly cool too !! your acting was amazing, even if you didn't get the main parts, my attention was still focused the most on you, even when i tried to focus on everyone equally, my eyes always diverted back to you :D i feel like a magnet that's helplessly drawn to you :D

but i was also surprised to see that you had tweeted again- the first time, with the pictures- i saw those around like, maybe 8am for me?? but i thought they were so amazing, it really made me super happy and i kept that smile up on my face,,, right up until i fell asleep again LMAO i kind of have a habit of falling back asleep right after your tweets? like i can feel really energetic sometimes after seeing you, but if it's early enough in the morning, i can't help myself, i'll fall asleep- but that's besides the point, i woke back up again and saw one of my friends tagged me in something,, at first i thought it was the same tweet from earlier? but i felt compelled to check anyway!! and i saw it was !!!! a video!!!! god i love watching videos!!!  my heart just leaped out of my chest and i couldn't stop giggling, plus seeing you promote yet another song you made :000 it just makes me think— well, no. it's something i was already aware of, i kind of mention it a lot, but how hard you work is always so commendable~ it seems like you never stop, and a lot of people don't do that, you know? even ppl who work really hard, they still take their breaks. and i know you do too, but it seems like you work a lot. but for you, it doesn't reach the point of over exhaustion- because you enjoy doing it, and it's really evident !! i know that genuine passion you have for music,, that shine in your eyes speaks for itself, but when you used your words to explain it, it touched my heart, too.

but when you tweet those little videos—? i can tell you're proud of what you made, it's really precious to see :') it's like, you're so happy with what you did and proud of yourself, and you seem excited to show it with the treasure makers that you adore so much too !! everything about your personality is so pure- i've observed you for awhile, but i still can't get enough of all of those sweet aspects of your personality :') you just seem so genuine, from your passion about your music and performing, to the fashion you put together, to how much you love soccer to just things like how much you care about teumes, on top of this big love you have for your members. you put your heart into everything, and that's so rare. i say that a lot, but you really are something special. you're like a wildcard,, something rare and only comes around every so often- gosh you're like a persona character who's max level in all of their skills !! sorry for the game reference,, i just finished playing persona, actually !!! i felt kind of guilty for doing so, especially cause i like to finish your letters for midnight,, i'm not sure why 100%,, it's just kind of a tendency i have but i get uncomfortable if i can't finish before then- but ahhh

i just felt bad D: like.. should i really be playing persona when i haven't fully written hyunsuk yet? but i thought, well.. it gives me time to collect my thoughts, and persona is the number one thing besides you, that makes me feel really comfortable and at home. before i had you, persona was all i feel like i had. i didn't rely on anyone, i was alone and just sad most of the time, but when i played persona, i felt like i escaped my own reality to get into that of the games, and i felt a connection with all of these characters. maybe that was a bit unhealthy,, i'm a bit more realistic when i play now, but those feelings are still there in some sense. but if i got the chance to live as a persona character, inside the game? i wouldn't want to.. 'cause you wouldn't be there :( you've given me a lot of reasons to stay, and be present in my own reality, stand up to the hard times and try to overcome it with a smile on my face :DD but when i play the game, sometimes i just picture me as a character, but you guys are there too. i thought, well, if i can picture myself here— why not treasure? but i i just can't help but wonder if you'd like persona,, it's a really cool game :00 gosh i'm sorry i really talk about persona a lot in your letters !!!

i can't say that i'm like you, in the sense i'm not passionate about everything i do :[ but one thing that has my hearts full love and devotion- it's to treasure, and to persona. the two things/people that have always been there for me, when no one else has been. but most specifically, you, and within the game? yusuke :D i mentioned him earlier, the scarf boy! he has some qualities that resemble yours, but not all. he's the art kid of the group, so as an artist myself i guess that's why i grew to like him so quickly- but he's like you because he's really passionate about the arts, and improving himself to the best level that he can possibly achieve, his main goal is to just capture the most divine beauties in his art and so forth,, he won't let anything get in his way on his pursuit to master the arts :D that kind of thing, it just reminds me about you, cause you're so determined whenever you do anything, and that's really inspiring. so that's why i love you two, the most. but ahh.. i probably got weird, but i'm just grateful for what i have in my life. so thank you for tweeting- it gave me a nice line of thought, you always put things into perspective, even if that wasn't your intention when you tweeted those things. i'm eternally grateful for everything that you do, don't forget that— okay?

i hope that you have a nice day! those things are always the most important to me :D <3 thank you again again for tweeting, not just once, but twice!!! :D it's like christmas in march- teumes are very grateful, so thank you for keeping us in mind ! you enjoy *your* weekend too, okay? you just worked so hard, i know it! i want you to rest up well, you earned an amazing rest and then some<3 but if you use your spare time to work on anything, i understand :D ! it's fun to put your energy into things you enjoy, just don't overdo it!! take breaks, and then keep going~ that's what i do !! eat well, and rest when you feel like- but of course, these are just little reminders :D <3 i know that you know how to take care of yourself!! so just be well~~ i'm sending you all of my good energy, like always <3 have a great day~~ and see you tomorrow!!
i love you~ ~<3

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