jan 13th, 2021

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hello my favourite boy!!!

there was quite a lot of content for me to wake up to~ and honestly i feel really grateful for that because it was something that boosted up my morale for a day i really needed it :DD the very first thing- 'cause twitter is always the first app i check, i got to see that you posted some nice pictures~ the mirror selfies like you usually do- but ahhh you were talking about mcountdown too, which i know is tonight!! i'm really excited about it, i'm not sure if i'll be able to stay up- i had a really hard time sleeping T_T i'll tell you more later, but ahhh that's okay!! i just felt happy since you were there <3 and that wasn't all- i saw there was a clip from seoul music and you were the dj!!! oh my gosh that was so cute to watch, i really enjoyed the content! your voice is so sweet and something i could always listen to, so hearing your voice and seeing you as a dj just made me feel all kinds of happy and i wanted to thank you! but~!! that wasn't all, of course~ i also saw that after i watched that- there was a new episode of treasure studio, the one where you guys were voicing over for you guys' characters :DD i really loved those little animations, they're so cute and really match the characters so i thought it was nice!!!

honestly the little animation of chilli had reminded me of the treasure map episode where junkyu brought up the little larva thingy he found and was just showing it off and you were backing away a little because you were scared of it? i mean, i don't blame you- but that's what the animation made me think of when i watched it today- i hadn't thought of it before, but i heard junkyu in the back during the treasure studio say 저 친구 and it made me think of the episode just cos he kept saying 착한 친구~ it was cute, i'm honestly surprised i didn't think of that sooner since that's one of my favourite episodes ever~ but omg seeing those things to start my day with, it just really helped give me energy T.T i think i probably mentioned it, but i had my test today- i think i only passed 'cos i had gotten to see you three times in the morning, which i'm really grateful for!!! it gave me the energy, and thinking about how hard you're working made me think i should work hard on my test too- so that's what I did :') i also brought one of my photo cards for comfort during the -actual- test, i don't wanna be selfish talking about it, but i wanted to mention it for a second because i'm grateful for the help <3

today is a much more important day though considering other things that are going to happen- like your first mcountdown stage!!! i'm so excited thinking about it, you know? i honestly can't control my excitement- even if i can't be awake to watch it (if i can find a stream link, i'll set an alarm tho!) it's just such a big deal o: i remember it was so so so exciting beyond words when i saw that you guys were going to perform at mama because mnet stuff for yg artists basically just doesn't happen at all- but omg, did you guys, like break a barrier-?? is everyone going to go to mcountdown now and all? but hey !!! even if it's a one time thing, i'm really excited and i hope you know i'm super proud of you for making another huge leap!!! when i watch it- i'm gonna practice the fan chant!!! since you guys also just posted a fanchant guide not that long ago- gosh, today is just a really nice day because i'm getting to see you so often and tomorrow is such a huge deal <333 well, tonight for you- but it's more than likely i'm going to be asleep T.T i hope that you know, even if i'm sleeping i can still give you my support in that sense because i love you with my whole heart- and that love stays there constantly whether i'm awake or not!!!

i'm also really excited since very soon is our 800 days- i was wondering how i'd feel upon the actual day itself when it had dawned upon us but this era already feels special as suspected and i'm feeling a lot of emotions- both ones i was anticipating and ones that are new to me, but they all come together to make a lot of love and gratitude that you were the one to save my little life and keep going~ there's so much to think about, i don't mean to dwell on the topic but when times are hard you repress the memories, but sometimes certain things bring it back up- but in this case, it's alright~ you're helping me get through it!! there's a lot of current and old stuff i pushed aside but something about this is so healing, it's really helped- i mean, today is a prime example!! i barely passed the practice test for what i did today, but today i actually got a good grade o: i think that has a lot to do with my treasure, so i just wanted to say thank you :pp but things like our 800 might not be like a big deal to you- it is to me since it signifies another long time i've spent with the boy who changed my life for the better~ but day to day stuff like the album release and mcountdown is stuff you're excited about too!! and i just know you're going to do amazing- thank you for being around so much today, and i want to say thank you for working really hard like you always do!!!

you'll do amazing like you always do, but i just wanted to say please be safe on your stage!!! i pray everything goes well~ since it's the first one for this era in general, and on top of that it's a bigger deal than normal :D but i know you'll do great, i just wanna remind you to be safe!! look after yourself like you do the others okay~? i want to make sure you're well taken care of. <3 that's the most important thing!! i hope you've eaten already and that you got enough rest- i know as i write this, you're already backstage and preparing for what will be an awesome performance- so just be safe and know that i'm supporting you every step of the way that i can!!! i'll see you tomorrow okay~? i'll be sure to tell you what i thought about the epic performances, in the best way i can!!! like always, sending you all my love- just like a lot of other teumes are too <3 take care, be safe, stay warm, remember i love you!!! just be well okay? see you tomorrow bbby!!!

i love you!!

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