feb 6th, 2021 (800 days w sukkie :D)

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hi hyunsuk!!!

today is officially our 800~~ and i'm so happy to have officially reached this milestone with you!!! and as happy as i am about it though, i don't wanna be selfish :D i was actually really excited from the moment that i woke up to tell you about how much i enjoyed you guys' performance last night at music core- but you said in a tweet today that today for inkigayo is your last performance? once again i just want to take the opportunity to tell you about how amazingly you've consistently done for each performance and for every appearance you had, you gave nothing less than your all and your energy always makes the performance extra enjoyable to watch!! your passion makes us all inspired, and we're all proud to call you our idol, you know~? i'm so proud of you, it makes me happy to see you happy on stage~ <3 i hope you won't be too sad though ,, i don't wanna tell you how to feel of course, that might be rude T.T i just hate the idea of you feeling down,, teumes are always by your side okay? it won't be long until we can see you again~!! we always are sending you good energy so that you can be happy always, we just want the best for you so don't stress too much about us being sad or anything, okay?

i'm sure you might be a little sad about not being able to go on stage, either— but i'm sure it won't be long! time seems to go fast, most of the time. it's already approaching the middle part of february and before you know it the months will keep speeding up- but let's not get too ahead of ourselves, hehe~ my point is i'm sure you guys will be reunited with teumes and on the stage you enjoy so dearly, before you know it !! this era has been really dear to me for every single day of it- probably my favourite since you've debuted, and the other 3 eras i enjoyed a great tremendous deal as well. but today was just special in ways words won't do justice, so i just want to say thank you once again for giving me so many special memories, ones that i'll hold on to for a long while. and even when the era is long in the past, this is a song i'll always come back to when i'm down. you all wanted to make a healing song, and boy you sure did exceptionally at it,, it feels like every time i listen to it, my heart feels stronger than it did just minutes before~~ <33 plus more contents and the resurgence of treasure map has given us a lot to be happy with, but as long as you guys are happy, that's what's most important to teumes!! i hope that tonight's stage goes smoothly and just how you wanted to~~ i'll look forward to it :DD but since today *is* our 800~ you know that means, big fancy letter time, right~? heheheh  i'll just put it here

Today is special~! It marks our 800 days— It's the first milestone of the year, although in total this should mark us around the 13th or 14th together. Regardless of the unsurity of the exact number, without a doubt I can say this is our 800th day together :D Like all of the ones prior to this one, I feel as though it's brought my heart closer to yours. Going through and starting another loop of a new year with someone so dear to me, it feels really special. I spend lots of time putting effort into explaining my exact feelings, both the ones describing how you help me through troubling times, as well as how I try my best to cheer you on through your own accomplishments. That's one thing I've always thought about- I've been lucky that I found you at a point where I could learn enough about you so that you could help me through my lowest point, but also early enough where I got the opportunity to cheer you on through times that were undoubtedly difficult for you as well. Difficult for different reasons than mine of course, but hard on you nonetheless- but it makes me proud to see you accomplish all of your goals, as I always knew you'd be able to do. Just at first glance, it's easy to tell how special you are, and with an aura like that it's certaintly guaranteed someone like that is bound to succeed. But you never let your talent go to your head, you've always stayed humble and kind, and this is surely one of the reasons why I naturally loved you more as a person each time I got the lucky pleasure of seeing you, as well as the fact it explains why you can comfort me- and others as well, with such ease. You've got a natural comforting personality, and although I was able to see these qualities so fast within knowing you, it takes time to truly admire the little aspects.

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