july 14th, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk!!!!!

how are you today? i hope you're doing well!! i miss you a lot,, you didn't tweet this morning which is fine, of course, i understand! ^-^ i just miss you a bit, i guess. can i be honest? i'm sure things are a bit harder for you in quarantine but i guess i just am a bit on edge cos i'm retaking my one test soon,, and i don't want to mess up again and be a disappointment :( i look up to you a lot because you work hard and are just generally really amazing! i want to be like that too, so i'll always try my best! i'm just trying to work harder ^^ i guess it just stresses me out sometimes, but i know that you must have days where you feel pretty stressed too, so i just try to keep that in mind and still do my best- 'cause no matter what, you always work hard and always do your best to help the others around you do their best as well! :D you're really amazing, and just an amazing role model, i couldn't imagine how my life would be without you, hyunsuk! 'cause honestly- i knew i wouldn't have been able to keep living in general, but even if i could.. i wouldn't have been the same person i am now, i probably would've been less motivated and just idk ahhh >_< you've always been really hard working, it's just really inspiring!!! i love literally every single aspect of your personality, mr choi~ you're a ray of sunshine!

seriously- you light up our lives! ^^ i just think you're really special,, watching you gives me hope! that things will get better if i stay positive, but also if i have you in my life, i know that things will always get better too~ especially on the days i get to see you, when i see you i feel filled with so much happiness, hope, motivation- a lot of emotions are in my heart when i see you, but they're all positive ones and i just can't explain how great the feeling is T_T i'm so beyond grateful for your existence mr choi~ you know that you make a lot of lives a lot happier if you're here~ ^^ no matter how hard things get , even if you feel really upset or lonely on some days, tired or exhausted, you always have the love of teumes backing you ! i know it might not help very much,, but to us, you're our everything! we think about you a lot 'cause it gives us motivation, like i know you help me a lot in that aspect! sometimes we watch or think about you when we need just a distraction, some happiness, and so on~ it helps us when we have a hard time, to see someone as positive and as sweet as you around!! ^^ anyway,, i'm sorry if i sound a bit weird! i don't know how you're feeling, i'm sure you're happy and all, i just want to remind you that we're always supporting you, 'cause its perfectly okay and normal to have days where you're sad, but it's important to remember on those days that you have people who love u <3

you're teumes hope! to keep living life to the fullest and the best we can, i think if i didn't have you, it'd be hard for me to stay positive, and i know a lot of other teumes feel the same as i do,, of course! and you know, you're very helpful to treasure makers, a lot of people who don't even know you in real life,, but imagine how much you can help the members who know you personally! you and jihoon are very good leaders, you know~ ^^ just being able to know you directly must be a great experience! i bet the other members learn a lot from amazing people like you,, but to me i just think you're one of the most spectacular people in the whole world and i love you the most, above anyone else T>T no matter how important other people may be to me, you're the most important and i just hope you know that! please stay healthy and happy if you can help it, okay? we're always here for you, i just want to make sure you know that 100%!  it's important to know hehe~ sorry for another weird letter today, i just want to emphasize it to you !!! i guess that's all there is to say, though- so i hope you have a good day!!! you deserve it, i'll always be cheering you on! <3 until tomorrow though, i'll see you ~~ ! bye bye!!

i love you <3

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