june 21st, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk!

today is a bit special- but i'll go on for two reasons, the first one i'll say i'm happy about because you said that you're feeling better, and that's for sure a good thing! maybe i over reacted yesterday, but i just hated the idea of you feeling sick :( my favourite boy of all people, feeling under the weather?? i know it happens to everyone, but i hate it when it happens to you~ but maybe all you needed was a good sleep, since that seemed to have do the trick!!! :D i'm just glad you feel better, and it was nice to see a tweet from you in the morning like usual~ it really brightens my day, and helps the rest be amazing you know? ^^ but the other thing that's really cool, is i saw that you guys' official lightstick is officially out! that's really neat, you know~ it's super pretty, prettier than i imagined it to be! but it also was pretty close to your drawing from what i remember, but it's still so amazing to see something as monumental as you guys' first lightstick- it's really special !!!! one of the first things i pictured was just a bunch of teumes at a concert, waving it around having the best time :( when you guys have a concert, it's really going to be so cool and i can't wait for that to actually happen!! it'll be sooner than later, i just know it! and i'll be super proud of you when it happens, it'd be cool if i could actually be there, too~

bad news, though- i wasn't able to buy the light stick:( i'm so sorry!!!!! for once, i could actually afford it, but i wasn't able to get it because it was sold out by the time i woke up, so i'm kind of sad about that, but hopefully it restocks soon since i can still afford it! you know that i'll always do my best to support you~ but love isn't defined by buying all the march, right? i mean.. i know that, of course! i just feel bad when i can't do things to support you directly like that, but i'm still so happy to see it finally out, it'll make you guys happy, and it'll make the fandom feel closer to you- overall, it's a really beautiful thing and i'm excited to see how it goes~ moments like these just make me really happy to be a treasure maker, you know! it's just nice to see everyone happy, and i'm sure you're emotional about it too. that's only natural! i know that i would be hehe ~~ anyways i guess i shouldn't ramble about that too much, but i'm super excited seeing what everyone does when they get their lightsticks and seeing the types of photos they'll take, and so on! it'll be really cool, so i can't wait. ^^ but there is something else i wanna say real quick hehehe

idk, maybe it's weird but i just wanna say sorry for the bad letter quality, lately, it's hard to write and concentrate bc thinking about studying really absorbs my thoughts and i just want to do my best to make you proud! you always work hard, so i'm trying to do the same. but you know what? it's really tiring, i don't know how you do it.. but its okay, it just makes me admire you more. and i just wanna say thank you for what you do, i have no idea how hard it must be but i know it's not easy, and what you do makes a lot of people happy, not just me- and we all really appreciate it. for some of us, like me- it's what keeps our lives going, you really do feel like our real life hero :) even if my words may be lacking in my letters, i hope you know the feelings over time just keep getting stronger. maybe even too strong to describe properly, but there's so much love in my heart and all of it is always for you, so thank you for making my life what it is, a happy and bright place, with lots of thoughts of you and of treasure. you guys are my second family, and my place with treasure makers is my home- but without you, i wouldn't have any of it. so i'm extra grateful to you. i just hope you know that, okay? i hope you have a good day too :) sorry for being overly emotional, but i hope you take care of yourself and know that you're very loved~ hehe i'll see you tomorrow, okay? until then, bye bye~

i love you !

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now