march 3rd, 2021

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hey hyunsuk!!

i saw that this morning, there was a new treasure studio episode hehe ~~ it's no surprise to me that of course it was a lot of fun, despite the early hours in the morning that i was watching it at, i found myself very easily waking up more by the second- and the sight of you is always the best way to start my morning~ i don't know why exactly, but a lot of my feelings for you are growing more warm as the time passes these days- it's heightened a lot in the recent days, i can't place for a reason. nothing particular has happened, maybe it's something to do with you guys japan debut? there's no denying i'm extremely excited for it, but it feels like there's something else too~ i guess just spending time with you, naturally makes me grow more fond of you. i'm grateful to spend all of this time with you, no matter what troubles me, you're always there to be like a shining beacon of light and of hope, i can always count on you no matter what !! i honestly admire you, how you can work so hard and without showing any signs of exhaustion, and always doing so with the utmost positivity. i want to emulate that, but i'm honestly unsure of how to do so :(

i've been doing a lot for my youtube, which you know, i'm happy to do of course! especially because i hope these things can help you and the others in the long run, i'm not very helpful in most aspects so this is pretty much the most that i can offer in assistance- i'd love if i could help get you guys new fans, or strengthen the love of pre-existing treasure makers. but even tho i'm trying my best, i feel like i'm not doing so well .. it just comes out muddied and weird.. i'm working as hard as i can , but it's still not as well as i'd like- but i'm not really sad, so don't worry about that! i'm just wondering how you do it. i really admire you for the maximum effort that you put forth into everything, i would love nothing more than to be like you— but i think my first step into being like you is to stop being so selfish :( really, i wanna apologize. i don't know why i start rambling about stuff like this- it'd probably be so boring to you to read T_T but hey.. onto a better note! i'm really excited about treasure map tomorrow~~ hehe i just saw the teaser poster, i know it's going to be amazing for sure~ i hope that the time flies by quickly, i'm so ready to see it !! plus i just know how much work you guys must have put into it, you all put your all into everything, so even though i'm sure it'll be something that makes us laugh, it'll be something that you guys still put forth your best effort in :D no matter what it is, you always do your best !!! <3

it's nice being able to look forward to anything- but especially when it's you guys !! :D <3 i have a feeling it's going to become fandom gold- everything you guys do is, really, but something feels extra special !! but then again, maybe it just ties back into what i was thinking about earlier- how i feel a lot closer to you~~ there's just something in the air, maybe it's the spring breeze or something :D but speaking of spring- ahhh well, this might be selfish but i was actually dying earlier because spring allergies are getting to me already >///< i thought of you though— you probably like spring? i feel like you've said you do, but i wonder if you have the same problem as me,, after all, they're pretty common i believe? however i hope they don't affect you as bad! they're quite gnarly :0 i'd hate the idea of you having all the issues that come along with it- most of all, i just hope you're enjoying the weather changes! i don't know what seoul must feel like right now but,, i imagine it's less cold in march compared to january or december :D hopefully it's just to your liking!! <3 i want you at your happiest, i say that a lot- and the weather can be a big contributing factor to people's moods !!! it's strange, you'd think the weather wouldn't affect people's moods but it really can ~ ah, the complexities of the heart :D a lot of things are hard to understand, but one thing i will always know with certainty is how much you mean to me :D sorry- hahaha that was probably pretty cheesy, right? it's just my line of thought, is all~

but ahhh!!! i think i bothered you long enough~ i know i'm pretty weird sometimes, and i don't wanna bother you, so i just wanted to use my energy to tell you how excited i am about treasure map, and just really all that this month, or any day in general, has to hold~ since you'll be there, i know it'll be special :D <3 but i hope that you take care of yourself, since that's the most important thing!! rest well, and eat well when you have time! i'm sure you're busy but that's the most important thing ~ you gotta stay healthy angel :D <3 i love you a lot, just don't forget that!! and so do a lot of other people~ you're the key to so many people's happy existence, and we're all so thankful for you! :D <3 don't forget that, and once more, i hope that you have an amazing day, okay? i'll see you tomorrow angel!!! bye bye,

i love you !!

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora