may 7th, 2021

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hey, hyunsuk!!!

today was a super nice morning~~ hehehe it was yedam's vlive this morning!! i'm a little sad 'cause i missed it while it was live, i wanted to catch it live like i did with your birthday, so i stayed up a little later than normal and everything !!! but i sort of gave up around 2:30,, but the thing that got me- i saw yedam started his live around 7am or so?? usually i wake up around then on my own, without an alarm.. but i didn't this time because i was tired LOL that's funny to me, i dunno why- i understand it's hard to catch it live 'cause of timezones and all, but hey~ it was still a lot of fun to watch, it never matters what time that i start watching 'cause as soon as it starts, it's lots of fun! it's really relaxing for me, tbh. it's a big reason why i look forward to birthdays- i always enjoy them for the same reason i did yours, you guys work so hard and you all definitely deserve a day where you can just sit back, relax and be spoiled ofc!! so just seeing yedam all happy on his bday made me feel warm, and it's always fun watching you guys spend time with him and all T.T

treasure is just.. like my home ! i always feel the most comfortable with you guys, i can't exactly explain it.. but i'm super grateful to have all of you around, it's not just you but like ,, the energy when all of you guys are together just makes me feel really warm and happy- you guys remind me of the greater picture in life i guess, there's so many good things if you look around for them, and i feel like, for me of course- all of these good things revolve around you guys~! it's like when i'm with you guys, i have my second family hehe i just feel really glad to have you guys around- so i wanted to say thank you like always <3 you're always at the forefront of this happiness, 'cause i feel like that i always can count on you for anything that happens and i just feel really glad to have found you- if you weren't around, none of this would be possible T.T but enough sappiness aside i suppose, i do want to say that you looked really nice today!! you always look super impeccable since you're so fashion savvy~ but i think red suits you really well!! like any time you wear red, i can't keep my eyes off of you, guaranteed!

like i always look to you the most, but i try to distribute my attention- but man today, i just couldn't at all :0000 you look so captivating in red!!! plus i love berets, so it was like the extra touch to make it even better!! you're just like the coolest person ever; i really think that was the best thing, it really made my day so much better >_< so i just want to say thank youuu <33 i hope you're having a good day today, too!! it's the weekend for you now though, right? i hope you're treating yourself to something nice, like you said you do on the most recent treasure map~ ! you deserve it ~~ please be sure to rest when you can, too! i know you're busy~~ just stay comfortable while you work, rest well and know that we're all so proud of you! thank you for always making us happy! hehe please have a nice day though okay? i'll see you tomorrow suk !!

i love you <3

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