july 16th, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk!

i very much so enjoyed treasure map last night! it's the episode that i've been really looking forward to, ever since the vlive !! just because i knew that you'd be really sweet with teumes- and you looked really excited about it, too! i could honestly really tell in your eyes that you were enjoying yourself quite a great deal and it just made me very thrilled to see :(( you really deserve to enjoy yourself a lot- plus the whole concept for 'cafe prince' is really neat! the cafe itself is very pretty, i don't mean to talk like i'm smart or anything but i guess from an artist perspective i just really enjoyed seeing the aesthetic of the cafe because it looked really nice! i think it looks prettiest when you're in it, though~ also i really like the custom menu, all of the names are really witty and sound nice! it was just a really fun episode, and i liked watching you guys prepare- but the best part was calling the teumes! i was really emotional honestly, it seemed like a really sweet moment for everyone involved but i know you must've especially enjoyed it- you've always been so sweet around teumes T>T but this was just over the phone, you know? i can't wait for the actual episode where you get to meet them! it's next week, right? it's going to be really sweet, so i can't help but wonder how it went hehe~ i guess i don't have to wait too long, but i know that this episode made me really happy! i have a feeling that next week's episode is probably going to be one of my favourites, and since it's been pre recorded, i bet you already think about that episode pretty fondly, huh! since it was your first time meeting teumes since you've debuted~~ ^^

i just know that you really deserve it, you work so hard and you've always wanted to meet up with teumes so this is an experience that you definitely really deserve and i'm very happy for you! i hope these happy memories go along with you when you're having a hard time, and when you think about it i can only hope that you're feeling warm from those thoughts, at least <3 i never want you to feel sad or unpleasant, but i guess sometimes it cant be helped- i was really happy last night watching treasure map, but i did hear this morning that junghwan caught covid, too :( i never want to talk about anything sad, that might upset you- but uh.. i just hope he gets better : ( i'm worried about doyoung already, but now junghwan too, and of course the rest of you! it must be hard and weighing on your mind, i imagine- i know you guys will be okay! it's just kind of, a bad situation. really weird, i can't believe its happening :( i know it's bad, i just hope it's not too horrible :( and i hope they recover soon! i hope the others will be okay, too. you guys are strong, i know you'll all pull through and be better than you were before! i hope teumes supporting you gives you all extra strength, because i want you all to be well T.T i'm sorry for taking about it, i just hope you know i'm not ignoring it or anything- i wouldn't want to make you upset haha,, just remember me and a lot of others have your back~~ <333 you're very special to all of us!

anyway, i guess that's all to the letter for now. T^T i was planning on writing more about tmap, but when i heard about junghwan i just became very worried, about him and doyoung both- also i'm worried about you and the others, but i just hope you're happy and doing okay, i'll pray for your health and safety! please take care of yourself because it's important and i really don't want you to feel bad, either :( i hope it's not insensitive to say this with everything going on, but now i'm just a bit more worried so.. please take care of yourself, okay? i guess cause you're quarantining you must be siting around more- although i'm not sure what you're doing~ i just hope with whatever it is, that your mood is okay enough! i know things must be hard, but you're doing great and i'm really proud of you and the others <3 i'm sending you lots of love, all of you! you can do it, just know all of us teumes are doing the best we can to cheer you up so i hope you can see it <333 i hope you have a nice day, the best you can! i'll be seeing you tomorrow okay? i'll always be here for you !!! always always! even when i'm not writing, i'm always thinking about you and sending you lots of my love hehe~ but until tomorrow's letter, i guess i'll be going! see you then hyunsuk <3 bye bye~~

i love you!

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