april 27th, 2021

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hey sukkie !!!

it was nice to see that you tweeted this morning, so i wanted to start the letter by saying thank you :D it's always the best way to start my day, by getting to see you <3 it makes a bigger impact than you'd think, so i'm just super grateful !! plus i thought it was cool timing, 'cause it was about you and chilli :3 i was happy to see the little version, 'cause that's the one i'm going to try and buy >_< i think it'll fit perfect into my room, so i'm really excited about it :D hehe and like i said the other day,, or whenever i mentioned it [? i don't remember ㅜㅜ] it'll not just be something cute to me, but it'll make me think of you since chilli is your little creation !! i know you put your heart into making him, since you truly put your heart into everything you do T_T it's always really admirable to see the work that you put into things, you know?~ i think that pic is what gave me a big boost of energy to study for awhile !!! i studied for like a lot longer than i normally did, and i think that it's just bc i kept thinking about you a lot and it made me want to do my best :')) also to be honest... i thought about what it feels like to study snuggled up next to that little chilli plush T_T god, i want it so bad D: but the pics you posted with it were super cute also !!! i dunno if i said that already, but gosh you always look super cute !!!

i made that pic my home screen :DD i just thought it'd be nice to have a pic of you as my wallpaper since it's been awhle- on my phone, anyway :D on my computer is different hehehe but it's just those little things in life that help keep you going, and i think that your tweets are one of them <33 they help me more than you could ever know !!! it's just one of those days,,, i feel kind of sappy, but i'm overall just really grateful to know you T.T i don't know where i'd be without you- sometimes i feel like i have really bad luck, and things just keep going wrong,, if they do- it's probably my fault, i know that :0 but i'd be lying if i said stuff like that didn't bother me, you know? sometimes it's hard to get out of bed and do anything at all, and the thought of things like actual work such as studying can be taxing.. even when i'm in the wrong mood, i don't feel like talking to anyone at all and that can include my own family. it's really hard sometimes, and i never know why i feel like that half of the time. it's really a mystery, but whatever the reason is, i always know the solution- and it's you :D honestly, just bringing around one of your photo cards in my phone case is enough to snap me out of any bad thoughts and help me focus :')

'cause it's not just having the physical card itself, but since it's a picture of you- it makes me think about you a lot, and it helps me visualize all of these little moments that i hold so dear :0 if i can look at my photo card and see your smile,, i can think back to a bunch of other moments dear to me that you had a similar smile in them :')) so many treasure map episodes i can love endlessly just 'cause of how happy you look, and how i always pray you can have that constant happiness T.T i just like seeing you happy, and i know i say that a lot- but ahhh,, you have no idea how healing your smile is <333 idk where i'm going with this, but i just have so many special memories of you in my head, i feel like they could last me a lifetime. and honestly? i'm sure they will, just 'cause it's you. if it's anything to do with you, i'll always remember it 'cause you're an important person to me~ and i know a bunch of other people feel the exact same as me, so don't forget that !!! the happy image of you having a good time with your members, sharing the sweet words in your head or performing on stage, or all of it combined- that enough can make a huge impact on our lives and help us through any troubles that might have otherwise been impossible, had you not been there to assist us. ^^ you're really special, mr choi ~~ i just want you to know that

every day that us treasure makers spend as your fan, we feel closer to you. it's a really special experience, it is. just being able to watch you and the others and forget about all of our worries, even if it's for a little bit, it's something i'll really cherish. so i just hope you feel that happiness that we see on camera, all the time <333 i know i can't do much to help you, even when you are having a hard time 'cause i know they're inevitable.. i just hope you know that teumes always have your back, no matter what!! there's always going to be the teumes who support you forever and i promise i'll always be one of them T_T i'm indebted to you, for all the countless ways you've managed to help me :D but ahhh, i hope you have a good day 'cause you deserve it !!! i hope you have enough time to eat all of the things that you want to, and rest as much as you can when the time allows it~~ your health is always super important, so don't forget that stuff okay? but hehehe in the mean time, i'll cheer you with all the strength in my heart so that you can have a good day ^^ i'll see you tomorrow sukkie, so please take care of yourself til then alright? bye bye~~

i love you !

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