march 26th, 2021

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hey hyunsuk !!!

how are you today ~? i'm still suuuper giggly thinking about last night's treasure map— like, every episode is insanely good of course, but this one was just on another level. T^T i'm not even gonna lie,, i've wanted to see you with kids for a long time so i guess it just made my heart feel really content~ i knew you'd be good with them, but it went even better than i thought it would?? :0 you're just like the purest person, too perfect for this world- and a lot of people had the same thought after the episode too, but how could they not ? you were just as cute as the lil boy you were watching T^T it makes me happy to see people say nice things to you,, and people always have nice things to say ^^ it goes to show how much of an angel you are,, you really are a whole blessing to this world and i'm just so glad you're hereeee <33 being able to rewatch this episode specifically makes me so happy, it's like a video form of serotonin- i don't know what's cuter tho, you or the kids T_T i dunno,, i just really like kids and i don't want to be weird or anything but it gives me an idea on how to be with them for the future, 'cause honestly i had no clue- they sort of intimidate me a little, but i guess this is just another thing i can follow your lead on :') my mom likes to watch the episodes with me like an hour or so after they come out, i think i've told you? but my mom said you were one of the best ones with the kids, that you were rly natural :D so it's not just me being biased, you literally were being so cool with them !

you're really just such a healing person, i'm not surprised that the kiddos liked you so much. don't they say little kids are a good judge of character? they can probably tell how nice and sweet you are, not just from what you show them on the outside, but they can probably feel it ! <3 i wonder if it'll change their life much or not,, they're pretty young so i doubt that they have a detailed recollection of what happened, but still ~ i hope they can grow up feeling some kind of connection to you guys, and stay forever teumes~ if they keep you in their hearts as you mature, i'm sure it'll alter their personality for the best. ^^ i know the idols i had growing up shaped me into who i am now, for whatever good that may be. ^^ i don't want to talk about me tho, of course. man, it'd be so cool to have an idol like you growing up !! you set the best examples for me even, and by now i'm a grown adult T_T but very technically,, i have spent a good amount of my teen years as your fan by now !! i found you when i was 16, so i still had time to grow with you, and i like to think that i still do :'_ each time i see you, i either feel a piece of my heart grow more healed, or i feel like i learn some kind of new life lesson. but regardless, i feel like i gained life experience just from seeing you. ah!! i know how to explain it!!!

you know when you play a protagonist in a video game they have stats you progress throughout?? like their intelligence, confidence, style, kindness, etc. and in the game, you have to do certain things to be able to level them up :0 i feel like, for me- the key to leveling up my own stats is just to have you around !! every day is like a new chapter,, hehehe okay sorry i'll stop it's just i'm gaming a lot more than normal,, i hope it's not weird or anything bu when i'm trying to get my feelings across, it seems easiest to do it when i'm talking about games these days T_T getting my exact feelings out is always hard 'cause i have endless love for you, but i always try my best cause you deserve the highest quality ! still, i apologize for the writers block tho. :p i just hope you're well and happy !!! i heard haruto is coming back to korea today, or maybe he's there now by the time i start writing? either way, i'm sure you guys are busy welcoming him back, i know you're' gonna be so happy to have him back, and i'm sure he'll have a lot to tell you about after being home so long~ i'm sure you guys will have a nice time, and that makes me smile ! so i'm happy for you all~ i wonder when the others come back u.u but regardless, i hope you're all doing well!!!

i might not be so good at mentioning everyone, but i hope that you're all equally holding up well. ^^ it must be hard being a leader sometimes? i wonder on occasion,, you have yourself to worry about but also the others- but i'm glad you have jihoon to help ease the stress it might come with :') i'm sure there's plenty of positives too tho, so i hope you're able to focus on them ^^ i hope you enjoy yourself and have a good day, please remember to focus on your health too!! remember to eat well when you have time, have snacks with you if you can't sit down for a whole meal D: also rest when you have time, but i'm sure you're busy. ^^ i'm really proud of you for always putting in your best effort, you really are so amazing and i'm super proud of you for everything that you do every single day! thank you for always doing your best, and thank you for always making us happy. i hope you feel the same, because for the way you help so many of us- you deserve nothing less than infinite happiness :D please have an amazing day, alright? i'll see you tomorrow heheh.

i love you~ !<3

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