jan 24th, 2021

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hi hyunsukkie !! :3

today is a really special day~! i try not to be repetitive, because i know i tend to go back and talk about old events a lot ^^ but today it just,.. makes sense?? i'm just really proud of you thinking about it- today is officially the two year mark since you got announced as the 7th member in treasure. :DDD it's so amazing thinking about how far you've come since then !!! it's like, i got the notification last night at midnight because i keep track of the important dates like that, but!! i remembered anyway :D i was excited and telling one of my friends about it a few days ago, you know~ it's a really important date because things that are important to you, are important to me!! and since this was something in regards to your dream, this was really really big!! i think honestly that night was one of the most memorable nights of my life, because it's something that's still really clear and vivid in my mind.. but you know? i think i've been selfish :( i only ever talked about me on that night,, my point of view that is- i talked a lot about my feelings, and yours too, but not enough i guess??/ i just don't wanna be selfish esp towards someone like you who is the most important to me!!

i don't know why i fail to mention these things, sometimes- because it's always the forefront of my mind. i always hope that if my words can't show it, my actions can~ like how i write you every day or at the very least, try to stream, vote and work on videos and drawings when my time and schedule allows it :D even with things that don't relate to you as well, i try to work hard because i want to follow in your example. those kinds of things!! because in my mind, i just see you as this most amazing person~~ i wonder how i got so lucky finding someone like you :D you feel just like.. a real life angel, a gift to this world from the heavens!! me and my friend were even talking about you guys' doing an angel concept after we saw your inkigayo outfits from last night- white suits you because you are an angel you know T.T i always wonder how you manage to be so perfect at everything, i love hearing you call yourself an all rounder because i'm glad you're aware of all of your talents!! you're really the best in all fields and i think that's a nickname that really suits you~ you're a cutie who's good at everything. but not just that, you're also so kind at every single moment. that warm heart is probably one of the things that inspires me the most :DDD you have the kind of warmth that goes beyond one's screen- like, it will reach my heart, even for the things that aren't directed towards me.

it might be weird- but i can't help it. like i saw clips from fansign today and i just kept thinking about how warm my heart felt upon seeing them and the gradually increasing flutter of my heart- for both the cute moments of you just doing little aegyo stuff fans ask you to do, to you trying to comfort a fan as they cry, and the genuinely caring expression on your face as you do so T_T all of this pure signs of love, genuine ones- for people that you don't even know personally~ it's so sweet that you can just meet people for the first time and treat them so closely as if it's someone you're friends with, and you've even remembered some teumes!! that's just so cool, and i really think you're so amazing in every sense :( it just really warms my heart and makes my day to see these things~ it always aligns that i see fansign clips in the morning so it's always nice to start my morning that way, plus if you post any selcas too it's a bonus!! :DD <3 which you did this morning, so i think that i had the best morning i could have ever had? but you know, some of my favourite mornings are the ones right after a comeback- i always sleep good, not just because i was up late watching you guys and anticipating the release, but i can fall asleep with a happy heart knowing that you're overjoyed to share your music with fans that you truly love..

.. also it might seem like i had strayed from my topic- i have not!! hahah i just wanted to emphasize, because all of these qualities are something that i've admired so greatly for a really long time :D you've always been so passionate, too- like when we see you talk about how much you love music, it's easy to believe when we see your talents, your stage presence or even the sparkle in your eyes as you converse about it :D your talents alongside natural charisma really shows that this is what you were born to do- back then, i didn't doubt you at all, so i knew that it was almost 100% likely you'd make it :D i still had a little worry, because i didn't want to seem cocky or anything, but no matter where you went, i knew i'd support you- now this, itself, is a little off topic.. but i got a comment today, it was kind of random but they were talking about how they hope way into the future, even when you guys go off onto your own paths,, that treasure and teumes can stay together- i kind of got emotional,, but it's me i guess it's not a surprise haha, everything makes me really emotional- but!!! i just thought about how, i know that no matter what happens, no matter where the future takes us both; on our individual paths and together. with you as a treasure member, and me as a fan.. but it goes deeper than that. you're an idol and i'm your fan- but you're also the one who saved me and pulled me out of my abyss i couldn't have escaped from on my own ;/

that makes me feel really grateful and indebted to you- i've felt like that from the beginning, since you saved me. you know? all of the good things in my life are because you guided me to them, both with your healing and following your example helped me get to some things on my own. watching you is always healing- and when things keep going wrong, you're always there. you've been there for me at the very lowest points of my life, and for the happy ones as well- so you can count on me for the same! no matter what happens, i'll support you. i'll always be someone who cheers you on and tries to give you all the love!! because you do the same to everyone around you, you're always so wholeheartedly giving~ sometimes i wonder what it's like to know you in real life ^^ because you already help me more than anyone else i know- both online and offline, and if you can do that much by just being an idol i watch, without us actually ever talking- i wonder what it'd just like to be your friend even for a week T_T but my point is, i'll always be by your side! and that's how i felt back then, too. (so i guess that was still on topic- sorry SKSKS) i knew almost with one hundred percent certainty that you'd make it in- but even on the one percent chance you didn't, i still would support you wherever you went. but fate aligned as it should, and you made it in :D

i really wonder how you felt in the moment- happy, i'm sure. but when something goes your way in a way that you've dreamt about, it's never as simple as pure happiness. i know at least for me, there's a lot of depth :D happiness, excitement, relief; stress, even. like you made it in which is good- but i guess just if it was me, i might have a little stress if i'd be good enough- but i think that's just me. because you've always been amazing :DD but all of those emotions at once must have been really overwhelming, in a good way, but overwhelming nonetheless. emotions can be hard to handle sometimes, but it's all worth it because it was signaling the start of something amazing! before you know it, treasure shaped up into the 12 we have today- you and jihoon leading them all so excellently, you all constantly doing amazing and a ton of roty awards , recognizing your efforts and talents!! there's so much more that happened, of course. but i just really want you to know that i'm so proud. every single day being your fan brings me so much pride and i love seeing everything that you accomplish- since it's a lot, it's hard to name them all. but because it's you- i'm not surprised in the least, i knew you'd do great things. i'm just happy to be here to support you for it, and i always will be~ until my last breath, all of the love and support in my heart are yours :D i'm not going anywhere, so i hope i'm not too much of a bothersome fan :>

i hope that you have good energy every day, but especially on ones like this ! it makes me wonder if you're feeling the good energy everyone's sending~ i know the date has to be important to you too, so i hope you're seeing all of the hashtags and nice things everyone's saying for you~ soak it up, please enjoy it, feel the love and know that you're appreciated, okay? mental health is the most important and i just want you to feel happy all the time you can, you're doing amazing and deserve every bit of the praise you're getting and more <33 i'm so proud of you every single day, in every single sense you brighten up my life <3 please take care because i want you healthy~ eat well, because eating is important!! you always work hard so it's important to replenish yourself!! and i know you're busy- but resting even for a few minutes can help a lot T_T gah i'm sorry- i know you know how to take care of yourself, it just makes me feel better to say it!! you mean a lot to me and i want you at your best, so it's just a friendly reminder, that's all! please have a great day okay? you deserve it!! see you tomorrow angel~

i love you :D
p.s, inkigayo was lots of fun last night . you're the most precious ending fairy ever <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن