jan 16th, 2021

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hi hyunsukkie~!!

i hope you're having a nice day- the beginning of my amazing day technically started last night when i got to stay up for your superb performance (like always) in music core!! you guys always do well so it's not a surprise to me that it was so much fun~ i really enjoyed that this time we got to see one of those, pre performance interviews?? i feel like it's been awhile- since ily at least, but i don't remember if you guys did any for mmm era so i might look like a clown but😭😭 ahhhh regardless i love the interviews, it's really easy to see, wherever you go and whenever you do anything, it's easy to see the plentiful amounts of passion that you have for your music that you make and how much of your heart you put into it~ even if you don't say those things directly, i can see it in your eyes and that makes me smile!! sometimes, it's the moments where you don't even speak the feelings out loud, that end up being the most meaningful. if it's really genuine, it's apparent in your actions,, so that sparkle i always see in your eyes is one of those give aways that you're in your element, happy and enjoying yourself and there's really not much else i could ask for except for you feeling happy and healthy.. among all other things, those are my main priorities in life so i'm just glad to see you're enjoying yourself. i hope you haven't gotten that stressed, i know it's hard but i hope the love you get from teumes is energizing enough because the idea of you getting overwhelmed makes me feel sad :(( all i want is the best for you~

do you know a really big tell all that you care a lot about your music and genuinely enjoy it? it's something i've said before, but the way you move on stage :D it just honestly really looks like you're happy and you can tell because you're always really enjoying yourself ~ even when it's not on you for your part, you're just in the background looking really happy and i think it's cute to see how much you enjoy yourself~ i like seeing you passionate and happy <3 it's really important to have things you enjoy , you know? i love it when you're enthusiastic about anything; music and performing is the big thing, but of course it goes for things like your fashion interests and how excited you get when you start talking about soccer or just other things you like~ <3 a lot of things in life are bad, but the only thing that truly gives me comfort is knowing that you're well, and that you're happy. the best part of my night last night was getting to see you and it gave me the strength to get through today.. which was.. you know... i won't be selfish like always, but i just want you to know that you helped me and that i'm very thankful for it. so it makes me pretty happy that you guys have inkigayo tonight~ at least, that's what i heard. i hope it's right, i'm not sure- but i really hope it is because i want to see you again . T_T also being able to watch it live and support you in the very same moment is really special to me,,, i'm like.. not able to articulate it well, i know i tried before. but simply put; i like being there for you <3

you're the most special and impactful thing that's ever happened to me in my little life. i know i say it a lot, but living without you would be impossible and each time i have a colossally horrible day it reminds me that you're my lifeline, and i can't help but cling on to you so tightly like my life depends on it. 'cause honestly.. it still does. i can't even try to pretend otherwise, you've given me a lot of strength but doing so by myself is something i'll never be able to do. i'm sorry, for being so clingy, when i rely on you, i at least try to do it in a way that isn't weird. everything about you is so effortlessly comforting, it makes me wonder if you realize the depth of how you make everyone feel so happy or not. it's something special, and unique. even on last night's performance it was hitting my heartstrings,, i've heard it over a hundred times now- but each time i hear you say the 'it's alright, 잘 될 거야~' i can't help but believe it, you know? with that certainty in your voice and the fact that it's you saying it, i can't help but believe it's true. you always know best, in my eyes~ and your words always travel straight to my heart and know all of the ways to make me feel better. i don't know why i was so effected by last night, but it felt really special for me to watch and i just wanted to say thank you.. i know i say thank you a lot, i'm sorry if it's repetitive- i just want you to know that i'm thankful, for every single thing you do for me. whether it's big or little, it always helps me so greatly.

you've probably saved countless lives by now, too. a lot of people just feel happy having you around, as long as you're there you always make people feel at ease- even without words, your smile is so bright it can really bring people comfort with just a glance at you. that's really special- not a lot of people can do that. it's really amazing <3 ^^ i don't mean to be selfish by saying this, but i hope that one day i can help people like you always do. it's honestly really special this effect you have- the treasure effect. hehe~ but yeah, the way you're like a light of hope and actual sunshine for so many people is really inspiring to a lot of people and to me every single day <3 i've been your fan for what would be considered a long while now, but there's never been a moment where i wasn't in awe at how amazing you are as both a person and performer :3 being quite honest, every day spent with you- i feel like i've either had my heart healed, felt inspired to do better in every way with my life, or just simply admired how cool you are. sometimes you seem too perfect to real, honestly. but i'm so glad to know you, there's nothing else i'd rather be doing than right here giving you all of my support whenever i can, and also working hard to do nice things for you~!! i've spent a lot of my day editing, and i'm probably gonna go do the same thing in a moment :3 but the most important thing- what will always be the most important thing, is spending time writing your letters <3

videos are one thing- sure, i can do my best to help promote you! that's good, i'm sure. i hope it helps, but letters are just a whole different thing. i think they're special because they come straight from the heart, there's nothing more genuine than putting your feelings to words in efforts to explain the love you have for your favourite person~ <3 you'll always have the number one spot in my heart, since you constantly reassure me, make me feel safe and always make me feel happy <3 the moments when i'm with you is when i know that life is worth living- all of these happy moments are because of you, and i really do believe you when you say things are alright because of the way you make me feel, <3 i know things really will be okay in the end, too~ but take care of yourself the way you do other people as well, alright? your well being is just as important as everyone else, so don't neglect that! <3 make sure you eat well, even tho you're busy, and rest as soon as possible!! i know your schedule might not allow the largest amount of rest, but anything is better than nothing :DD and stay warm pls! it's still pretty cold~ just stay healthy, stay safe and stay happy okay? like always, i'm sending you all of my best energy :D

take care today, i'll be cheering you on like always <333 i love you!

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