jan 27th, 2021

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hey hyunsuk!! :D favourite boy of mine <3 i hope you're well today!!

i'm pretty excited today because i know that when i wake up tomorrow- i'm gonna see a lot of new things!! :D i heard that you guys are going to be on mcountdown~ which i'm always happy to see new performances!! plus there's a teaser that came out for this video,, 랜덤문답~? i think that's what it's called anyway!! but i saw the preview for it this morning and it looks really precious so that's why i'm so excited T.T of course, any video with you always is~~ you know this is one of my favourite things about when you're active- i can always anticipate the performances and i know there'll be a lot to look forward to, that and the fansigns! those things are always something to look forward to, but wherever you guys go for extra content is always a surprise and it's so much fun to see what the surprise things you're doing are and where they're at :DD but this era is extra fun because treasure map is thrown in, too!! like the performances, muply thing, and whatever pictures you might post after (cos you're really good abt posting selfies after performances c: or just in general ) but oh that reminds me- i don't think i've mentioned it, but there's those daily pics that have been posted on the treasure maker acc?? like it's usually pairing you guys together hehe

T of course, any video with you always is~~ you know this is one of my favourite things about when you're active- i can always anticipate the performances and i know there'll be a lot to look forward to, that and the fansigns! those things are alw...

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i'm sorry if it's rude that i've forgotten to mention them- because you know that i really enjoy them a lot!! i guess just when i see a lot of content, i get excited and then overwhelmed pretty quickly as well :3 <3 it's just one of the extra things that make me so happy and excited to wake up each day, to see in what way you'll make me smile :D cause it's inevitable that in some way or another, you'll be the reason behind my smiles. and i wouldn't have it any other way~ you're truly the reason why i can live a happy existence, and just live in general. all of these little moments of excitement are what gives me meaning and so much happiness, plus the strength to just keep working hard~ you know? BUT AHHH i got a bit distracted!! i can't believe tomorrow is treasure map time already, but i'm really excited for it!! i know that it's going to be the highlight of my like.. entire week, basically :DD <3 which that reminds me about another thing- basically since the last episode, i've been doing a video editing the last tmap :DD i'm trying my best to keep working hard for my channel, because in some sense, i hope in some way it can help you !! i've gotten a few ppl say to me they became treasure makers after seeing my edits- it's hard to believe, but those kinds of things help push me further, because my main purpose is always to be able to help you :DD

i know that if we just look at me, i'm not that great of a person- so naturally by extension, i'm not much of a good treasure maker either. i want to do my best for you, but sometimes i'm all too well aware it might not be enough~ so i thought maybe if i edit videos, it could be a good way to help promote you guys (although i know you'd be fine on your own :DD) and help new treasure makers, or make a more fun environment for old ones >/////< i just think that since you saved me, the least i can do is always work hard for you!! i mean, i've always had that mindset tbh~ that's why i still run that fanpage for you too!! in any way i can, i just want to do my best because i think that's what you'd do :DD you really set a great example !! cos sometimes when i start to feel lazy and think about things i want to do- like play persona or just nap honestly, i think about how there's times you must want to rest too, and do something easier. but you don't do it, because it's not an option ! you just have to keep pushing, and you do so with a good attitude ~ so when i think of this, it helps!! i know you wouldn't want me to overwork myself or anything so i try to keep it moderate- but i don't let myself get lazy either !! bc it's important to work hard, because that's what i always see you doing!!

but with that in mind too, i hope you don't overwork yourself either :( i know that you might not be able to help it- but if there's cases when you can, please take a minute to rest! i know you want to do your best~ but you always do your best just by being you!! <3 i hope you know how cool you are and how amazing and talented we all see you as, no matter what you do amazing T_T we'll all cheer you no matter what, so i hope there's rarely times where you overstress yourself~~ but i just want to thank you for always being someone i can look to for inspiration ! i hope it makes you happy knowing that you're a role model to so many people across the world. it must be a nice feeling, right? i hope it makes you feel good!! you deserve to have the world's infinite happiness <3 oh by the way, i just remembered something!! you know how on stage you really shine so brightly, with both your own aura and enthusiasm that's easy for anyone's eye to see~? i want to capture that in my artwork, so it can live on forever ~! not that it'll ever leave my head, but art is like a little time capsule, as much as it is trying to capture someone's likeness .!!! and i love drawing you anyway~ i can't guarantee it'll be the best drawing ever , but i'll try my best !! maybe if you guys do another mention party,, i'll try to show you ?

i guess that's all i have to say for today, though! i hope you're doing well!! i'm gonna guess assuming on the time, you're probably over backstage and getting ready for your performance?~ i hope you're not too stressed and just excited to perform- as you should!! everyone will love it, because its you, i know you'll do great :>>> remember to eat when you have time! since you'll be on stage and using energy~ it's important to replenish okay? rest when you have time too!!! :DD and i hope you always remember the amount of people by your side giving you love- so many people have an undying love and support for you and i promise you i'll always be one of those people too~ no matter what happens, you can always count on my support and love for you!!! you're my favourite person, forever and always- i hope you know that!! but once more, good luck on your performance- have a great day, okay? see you tomorrow~

i love you!!!

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now