jan 29th, 2021

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hi hyunsukkie~!!!

i hope you're having a good day~ i like seeing pictures like this just bc it means you're staying warm properly heheh and i like getting to see you of course, but my favourite thing is seeing you bundled up and looking cozy because i'm always happ...

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i hope you're having a good day~ i like seeing pictures like this just bc it means you're staying warm properly heheh and i like getting to see you of course, but my favourite thing is seeing you bundled up and looking cozy because i'm always happiest when you're well taken care of :D i'm honestly so happy to see preview pics like these and rly grateful too- it rly brightens my day!! i was feeling a lack of energy before i saw them, but afterwards looking at the pics and seeing you just gave me a big boost of energy to keep going and i'm really glad !!! you truly have the magical power to keep me going anytime !! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ i don't wanna be selfish or anything though- oh i do want to say too!!! another thing i like about the preview pics is seeing your outfit because you always pick the coolest things and it's fun to see what you choose- in every sense you're so talented !! you have a natural fashion sense~ it just seems like everything comes so natural to you :D you're rly an all rounder in every sense of life- if that makes sense??? i feel like i'm rambling but i have sort of fried my brain— but you know, today i've rewatched last nights tmap a lot already and even got my mom to watch it with me !!! o: she liked your parts in the episode like i did~ heheheh (but i'm not gonna lie she likes asahi a lot- JDJCKS)

anyway i suppose that's a bit random but i just wanted to mention it- i think knowing that you're out there working hard makes me wanna do the same, so i'll try my best! i've been editing a vid of you guys for my youtube channel ٩( ᐛ )و it's a mixture of this week's treasure map, but also the one from last week- so yeah!! it's just a random video i edited and i tried to make it funnier,, but you guys are already so funny on your own so it was quite easy to edit :D i know for sure your part of the episode was my favourite bc you always manage to make me smile so much :( you're my happy pill!!! but ahhh you guys have a performance i think today?? so i'm excited about it— i hope i didn't get the dates mixed up, i know i'm really bad about that but i just get too excited sometimes i guess hahaha,, i'll stay up late tonight regardless to see you because the moments with you are always sweetest and i like seeing the quirks from each performance because they always differ in some way and that's what makes them special~ plus, you guys work really hard for each and every single performance, so the least i could do is stay up to watch it :D

it really inspires me seeing you on stage just because your passion is like an energizer to me which makes me want to go and work hard in the things i'm passionate about too- i saw this quote in persona 4 the other day,, and (act surprised hahaha) it made me think about you!!! the quote was this: "the heart is shaken more by a single action than by a thousand words," it didn't hit me right away- but the more i thought about it , i think it's true !!! as long as it's from you, i'll feel inspired of course :D but the action of you on stage doing your thing, and not just doing it with skill but also with enthusiasm is what makes my heart swell up with so many happy emotions !!! hearing about such a thing sounds magical but seeing it with my own eyes gives a whole different experience- i never could have imagined someone as perfect as you, until i actually discovered you for real T.T everything about you is so the best , from your work ethic to personality !! without you, i don't think i could really do half of the things i do now. you're like my big motivational happy angel who i adore more than anything else in the world!!! i just feel really energized bc of those pictures still so i'm sorry if this doesn't make much sense!!!! i'm trying my best tho because i'm feeling a lot of happy emotions towards you and i want you to feel all of the same warm love you put into my heart- bc you deserve this joy way more than me~ heheh

the mission of my day- well, there's a lot of things because when i get caffienated i can think of a lot of things i want to do.. BUT THE MAINN THING!! is do things that would affect you positively because you mean everything to me !! i just want to give back the love you gave me,, i know i've said it a lot but i always feel like- you didn't just save my life but gave me a new one and i can always count on you to show me the beautiful things in life and how to lead a better life,, i know i must sound annoying and repetitive every day in the letters. maybe sometimes even weird? but i just have a lot to thank you for, and i hope you know i'm grateful. . but yeah~ just take care today okay? i'll try to stay up for your performance, that's the plan! though there's always the chance i could fall asleep on accident which scares me- but i'm usually good about not doing that?~ regardless, be safe !!! i hope everything goes like you want it to, but i know because it's you that it'll be perfect and i'll be super proud!! thank you for giving me so many times to smile, you really brightened up my life more than i could ever explain!! rest and eat well when you can too , okay? just be sure to keep taking care of yourself, and remember that so many people appreciate you so much!! and i'll always be one of those people~!! have a great day!!!

i love you <3

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