may 18th, 2021

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hi hello to you, my favourite boy!

i missed you a lot, ya know~ so that's why i was super excited to see that you posted this morning >_< !!! it's always nice to hear from you, but i guess if i'm going to be clingy for any day, it'll be after milestone day~ i know that it might be weird, but to be fair- i'm going to be happy if it's any time that i get to see you ~~ <33 ^^ you're my little angel~ hehe well, you're everyone's angel~ anyway i guess i'm being a bit random now, but it was nice seeing your pics !!!! you always look so stunning, and it makes me happy to see your posts first things in the morning~ it feels like it's been awhile since i've been blessed with that amazing and beautiful face of yours~ teheee i think sometimes i can't help it, i get a bit clingy and want to see you more ;( i think though- maybe i'm being a clown, but i just assume you guys might be more busy~ it's been awhile since treasure have had a comeback so idk, i thought maybe that's something you guys are preparing for? i know teumes joke around a lot and call each other clowns cause we're always trying to guess when we can see you again, yeah ~~ ~ but it's just out of love, ya know? we really adore you, and want to be able to see you as much as we can !!!

but like i always say, i'm grateful just if i get to see you <3 days without you can feel empty, so even just the slightest word from you always brightens it up a lot more. honestly, i realize this more than ever after milestones. i just think back and try to recall all the memories i have with you and how special they all are~ i'm so happy that treasure map is still going, too. last year, i was a bit silly and thought there might not ever be a season two. but! it was to my surprise when a new season got announced, and honestly each week had value again. i felt excited again for the same reasons i had before, it always makes me happy to see you all having fun together. 'cause treasure map is special for a lot of reasons- you guys get to try new things you might not get the chance for, otherwise- but you also can just relax, vlog and show us things you like- like your studio, your food, even from last weeks episode; that place you and jihoon used to go a lot as trainees :D it's just fun getting to learn little things about you !!! i try not to be invasive and search for things about you,, i know most fans wanna know everything about their idol, but you're someone i respect and look up to a lot, so i want to give you space and not be weird. if i'm meant to know it, i will eventually- and it's usually from you :D

all the little things that i learn from you really make a big difference on my life- i can learn a new way on how to cope for things that give me a hard time, maybe like how i'm easily fearful ya know :> that's one thing that i always genuinely had in common with you, i'm easily scared. so recently, i won't say what it is exactly but basically, i was put into a few situations that scared me a lot. when i didn't know what to do, i thought about that treasure map when you went to do the indoor skydiving/paragliding with jihoon/jaehyuk/junkyu !!!! that episode i feel like i learned a lot from- i learned about you, and even myself a little. 'cause through you, i could even push myself a little further!!! seeing you try your best to get past some fears made me want to do the same, when i'm able. i thought about some of the things you said, and it kept repeating in my head and it made me feel more reassured in my actions. but you know, that's one of the many things you helped me with . you saving me was better than i could have ever imagined - it's like i'm in a fairytale and you're the dream prince~ that's what it feels like, anyway. perhaps that's a little too dramatic, but that's what i feel :<

yeah~ that's basically my thought process hehe, i guess i can't really say much else is on my mind. right now you're inspiring me too, 'cause i want to study so i can get a good job and also get a move on with my own dreams, and that'll help me support you better so i can buy albums, etc!! i'll always try my best to be a fan you can be proud of, since you're always an idol i can rely on to help me be a better person, and always make me happier~ hehe on a less dramatic note though, i hope your day will be good! if you're busy, try to pace yourself so you don't get too tired, okay? i don't want you to feel bad, or anything~ rest when you're able to, and of course eat good meals ! enjoy them to the fullest :D watching you eat on tmap is one of my favourite things 'cause you always get so excited, hehehe but anyway- i just want you to take care of yourself, so do whatever you have to ! i'll be here supporting you, like always and like i will forever <33 take care, alright? i'll see you tomorrow hyunsukkie~~~

i love you <3

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