february 27th, 2021

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hey suk!!!

how are you today?? i hope you're holding up well- 'cause today i feel really .. really excited!!! i saw a post of you guys' schedule and stuff going up for next month for you guys' japan debut- and wow, there's so much?? i'm so excited that it's hard to contain myself :0 but it made me even more excited for what's to come!! there's so many new memories to make with you and i just can't wait to see how everything goes~ it'll be really fun!!! i'm kind of writing on the spot so i can't remember exactly everything but i know that for sure i'm just super excited!! i think there was a part of it where it was talking about new merchandise??? i hope it means a lightstick!!!! that's what some of my friends were speculating on my timeline today- so i hope that it's true!! if not, i'm just curious in general as to what it may be- i'll love it no matter what it is~ but ahhhh my curiosity is for sure piqued !!! i just think that was such a lovely way to start my day, i'm just so excited!! but that wasn't even all- when i logged on to twitter, i saw that you posted a picture! three, actually- starting out, i was just happy to hear from you like always :DD <33 these pictures serve as something brighter than the sun when you see them first thing in the morning, plus seeing what you have to say first thing always gives me the motivation to put my best foot forward for the entire day~~

but to be honest, i mean— something bad happened today T_T i won't go into details,, i kind of feel better now!!! it sort of brought back things i tried to repress, but something you always do is like.. it seems like you can make a positive out of absolutely anything !!! so i figure if these thoughts come back to me, it gives me time to work it out and try to move on so it doesn't bother me anymore— i think that's what you'd do! that's how i handle all of my problems, honestly? 'what would hyunsuk do?' is a line of thinking that can get me through any problem at all, but i'm thinking of this only hours later~ in the moment, i was sort of looking to you for comfort like always, and since you had just posted something fairly recently i felt very grateful that you were there :D no matter what, even if bad things happen- i always can be happy because you're always close to me to help, even on my worst days and i'm so thankful ~!!! i don't know what i'd do without you T_T even if you hadn't posted in this particular morning- i know you would've been the thing to get me through it, but still and yet, i'm really glad that you were there 'cause it made it feel more manageable and i'm just really happy about it !!! this is what i mean when i say, you never know how just a little tweet can make people feel so much better, you know? it's honestly really spectacular— that's the butterfly effect i guess, right?

it's kind of random- but i know in the very first persona (it came out in 96 :0 it's older than both of us hehehe) i think in the artwork and even in the game itself there was a lot of butterflies— so that's kind of why i'm thinking about it now LOL but i think you'd like one thing for sure at least~! your favourite colour is purple, right ? each persona has like,, a colour i guess? like a representative one- it's in the artwork and in the game itself, inside the menus and stuff, i don't know much about p1 but i think it's colour is purple 'cause when i see stuff for it, it shows up a lot :D and it's nice, because it makes me think of you !! anywhere you show up always makes me feel happy~ you know i was editing a video for yedam earlier, and i got so giggly for a solid five minutes because the thumbnail that iMovie autogenerated was a picture of you??! like the vid is for yedam but that's what it chose,, at first i thought it was random but i was honestly just so happy :DD it gave me extra motivation to do my best!! sometimes i get tired easily because i go into autopilot (esp if i'm editing something boring like transitions for the main clips) but seeing you reminds me why i want to work hard!! 'cause you would, and you'd do it with enthusiasm- so i'll keep trying to follow your example!!!

and i'm sure that's what you're doing today- i'd still like to think that you're resting, or at least i'd hope, but i'm sure that since march is quick approaching and you guys' japan debut is gonna be here before you know it, i have no doubt that you're busy with something or another ^^ so i bid you all of my good luck!! i hope you're still able to eat well, all 3 of your meals- and rest when you can!!! the building is pretty big right ? ? i'm sure there's plenty of places for you to relax for a little bit, i hope T_T but then again, i'm bad with timezones~ i still don't know if it's the weekend for you, so you might not be working after all- but knowing you, i bet you're doing something~~ regardless, i support you with whatever you chose to do! you always have my support and love, my main concern is that i just want you to be happy, i'll cheer you for anything else that you do and support your decisions <3 you're so smart and always know what to do :0 it's rly commendable, that's why i always try to mimic your actions and try to learn in the mean time so i can be like you in the future !! you're a really amazing role model for so many people, so i just hope you're having a nice day~! please be well, alright? have a great day, and i'll see you tomorrow!

i love you always <3

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