feb 7th, 2021

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hi, hyunsuk!!

so today was officially the last performance, you did just as amazing as i thought you would!! it was really exhilarating to watch it, a lot of emotions had been swirling around in my heart, but ultimately, i felt a bit of underlying sadness just because it felt like this era had gone by so quickly~ i enjoyed it so much, and i just never quite feel ready to part with you all. but i do understand that breaks are needed, and the idea of you all getting to hopefully rest makes me excited, because for so long without break you've worked hard every single day !!! like, it's been practically nonstop since boy came out- not only has it been quite a long time since then, you guys also have choreography that's quite intense and i imagine that it's tough on your body, and i don't want you to overwork :( it has to be tiring, even if you don't show it, you know? as much as teumes love to see you, we love it even more when you're fully rested and feeling well :[ but the performance was really well and ultimately touched my heart as it always does, but the best part was seeing your fan cam- when you motioned to the staff asking if they ate, if they rested well, it really shows you're one of the kindest hearted people in the whole world T.T it rly made me want to cry because it was so sweet, but it was also really comforting !!!

this morning i was woken up really early by a disruptive and scary storm,, it was a loud storm and thundering and lighting, and really windy !!! i got scared bc when i woke up, it sounded like the roof was being ripped off😭 but when i checked youtube to find music to block it out with,, i saw that the fancam from the performance had been uploaded and seeing that sweet moment right in the beginning made me feel a lot more safer and secure immediately in the moment- just your warm hearted and caring nature, finding someone like you in the world is so genuinely rare and i feel really lucky to be able to admire someone like you every day!!! supporting you always has something new and special and i just love living every day with you in it~!! i'm just really proud of you, thinking about all of the work you did is making me want to cry T_T i saw on twt this morning too that along with the pictures you posted, you also had even more sweet words to say than normal and i can really tell the sincerity and sweetness in each and every single word you wrote for us to read ~~

it always makes me happy reading what you have to say to treasure makers because you're just a sweet person in the entire world :(( it's always rly comforting to have you around every day; but i just hope you know how proud everyone is of you and all the work you've been continuously putting in so long ㅜㅜ but thinking about how you've been busy all the time with performances and interviews, so many appearances since august does make me really think that you've definitely earned a long rest and i hope i don't seem selfish at all for being a little sad the era is over~ i think the more i think about it, i'm just happier you get time to rest !! i'm sure you have things that you'll be doing , but for the most part i hope you can get some time to make some songs at home in your dorm in the comfort of your own bed, with your plushies and warm blankets- watch all of the soccer to your heart's content, and just know that you're doing a great job every single day !! i know you'll be practicing, even if you're not doing anything particular~ but just take it as easy as you can okay? i hope your body isn't feeling too exhausted~!!

there is one more thing i want to say about last night's performance~~ <3 i really liked the yellow outfits- it was bright and happy that matches the concept, but there's two side things; each persona has like a representative colour!! persona 3 was blue, persona 2 and persona 5 was red, the first persona was purple and persona 4- yellow! it's actually my second favourite colour, so i enjoyed that quite a lot :DD <3 but it has a deeper meaning since i discovered that phrase~ someone's 'yellow', basically what you call the person who saved you, and i probably sound annoying but how i tell you all the time how you saved me and how you continue to do so, you always save me from any problem that arises and that phrase really went straight to my heart as soon as i found it- it means a lot to me, just like you~<3 anything including you just has a lot of meaning~~ it might be silly, but i just wanted to share!! :DD <3 it made me smile extra during the performance~~ but ahh, other than that i don't know what to say but i just hope that you have a good day, okay??

please rest since hopefully you'll have time- eat when you can because food is so important~ rest when you can because you work hard and your body needs to replenish, and remember that you're always constantly loved by so many teumes around the world ~ always and forever!! i got your back no matter what T.T sorry the letter wasn't longer- i'm just pretty emotional today~ but in a happy kind of way, i love you a lot~ just take care!!! have an amazing day~ i'll see you tomorrow okay? and once again,

i love you!!!

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now