april 23rd, 2021

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hey hyunsuk !!

how are you? i hope you're doing well ~~ i saw you tweeted earlier and it made me really happy to see, like always you looked super cool and like always, it genuinely made my day. i'm happy to have made it through to another weekend, and i got all of the strength i needed to do that, by seeing you ^^ knowing that there's always treasure map at the end of the week just makes me feel a lot better, seeing you helps me truly so much~~ <33 i really enjoyed last night's episode, i feel a bit guilty since i wasn't able to express it to the full amount that i liked it, but i'm so thankful for another opportunity to see you . you really help me a lot, every day . through the big things and the little ones, and i know life would be near impossible without you ~~ it might be annoying to say the same things every single day, but i just want you to know that i appreciate you, and every single thing that you do !! no matter where i see you, the mood always lightens up, and i just feel happy simply by looking at you- and i can feel that happy without you saying anything. when i actually get to hear the words you have to say, it's always heartwarming and i instantly feel happier !! just knowing someone like you is in the world, it makes me feel so warm ..

you always look out for everyone, no matter what- i just think it's such a beautiful thing,, everyone is really lucky to know you . i just wish i could express it better, i wanna tell you every little aspect on how special you are and how much you just give me strength to live my life T_T <//333 i wake up every morning excited for the day since i know you'll be there~ and when i actually see you tweeted it makes me feel a lot happier too, let alone like a treasure map or something else. i don't wanna make you feel pressured or anything, i'm okay waiting! i just am really excited thinking about whenever you guys' comeback is . i know i'll feel a lot happier when i get to see you more and more, but for now. this is fine, i feel content <3 i feel safe and happy just knowing that you're there, so i can wait !!! i do know that truz merch is dropping soon finally, i hope that i can get chilli :DDD after chilli i want lawoo, but chilli is my first priority since he's like your little son !!! hehe i just think he'd brighten up my room so much, and he'd remind me of you so that'd make me feel a lot more comforted too, to keep me going when i can't see you as much :)

but ahhh i must sound weird~~ honestly, i'm just thinking bout you a lot today ! it's nice, it helps me get through a lot :') this might sound stupid, but on days i need extra motivation, i always bring around one of my favourite photo cards of you ! just looking at it or thinking about it makes me smile, and it'll help me just calm down and get through a situation ~ so i'm really grateful to be able to have that to rely on hehehe , but my favourite thing to do is to just listen to your voice, it can be anything- it just makes me think about all the nice things you've said before that are comforting :') you're just a perfect role model to me 'cause you always make me smile and always point me in the right direction, i'm really thankful for that so i at least hope that you're having a good day, too. you deserve it more than anything!! i just want you to feel well. so i hope that you know that you're very loved by all of us teumes!! please eat well, rest well, and feel all of the love that we have for you !!! i have endless amounts for you, always :D my heart is yours, hehe.. anyway, i'll see you tomorrow~ i hope i sound less weird then T.T but until that time, i'll go now :) pls have a nice day, i'm proud of you for all the work you're doing !!!! again, see you tomorrow, bye bye!

i love you <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now