june 8th, 2021

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hi hyunsuk!!

how are you today? i hope that you're doing well~ i'm very happy because i saw that you tweeted today!! the pictures were super nice and made me smile a lot, but i think the best thing from it, rather than the pictures this time, it was the caption attatched to it~~ of course though, your captions are always very sweet and i always enjoy seeing what you have to say- 'cause each time is always different, some people always post repetitive things (like me) but you always have something new and something sweet to say :( you know how much you always say that you miss teume? you know, i hope that you know we miss you a whole lot more~~ it's just like a constant loop, i feel like you and teumes, we always miss each other a lot :') but your tweets always make me feel a lot better, just 'cause this week has been very eh but hearing from you makes me feel a boost of energy and like i can do anything! i think i was talking about that yesterday, just how sweet you are and how that energy always makes me feel better~~ <33 ^^ when you know someone you love is always thinking so warmly, it just makes you feel better even when times are going really hard T_T

you're my biggest motivator!!! whatever happens, i always feel like i can do anything at all if you're around, it's just a really nice reassurance you know? it also helps me to think about how positive you are, because when i don't know what to do i just try to think about how you'd handle a situation and it helps me deal with things on a lot more level head than i could on my own~~ i have a test this week but i'm really feeling better because i'm trying to find the positives from the situation since i think that's something you'd do~~ you're my role model in so many things it just makes me really happy to know you <333 you're like a gift from the universe and i feel like every day that i get to know you my life gets better and better~ you're so cool, you know that i love you a whole lot right? i don't think i'm so good at expressing it lately, honestly, but i'm so happy to know you T_T i keep looking back at your tweet while i write just bc it makes me so happy <3 ~~~ you're iconic and i adore you!!!

but since i adore you so much- i hope that you have a great day~! remember to look after your health well, rest when you can! i know you're busy esp since it's in the middle of the week but you're doing amazing and i'm so proud of you for working so hard every single day! plus always keeping a positive attitude <3 i hope you eat well too , have plenty and get all your nutrients! you're my favourite boy , who always gives me joy, i want you feeling at your best too ^^ <333 also remember that when you miss us, we miss you a hundred times more! you're our lifeline, and we couldn't live without you bringing us this much joy~ at least, i know i couldn't!! :D every day you give my life meaning and strength, and i'm very thankful for it<333 so i want to say thank you again~~ <333 please just have a nice day, okay? i'll cheer you on like i always do, and always will!! i'll see u tomorrow okay sukkie? until then, bye bye~

i love you!!!!

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