july 10th, 2021

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hello, hyunsuk!

how are things with you? i'm excited to be writing you~ today has been good, but you're always my #1 safe haven and i just feel safest when i'm writing with you- but don't worry, things are definitely good! but i think you're the absolute biggest reason for that like always, you know! you're just a walking ray of sunshine and whenever i see you i just feel my whole heart liven up with so much joy <3 no matter what you do- from the littlest things, like a post on weverse that could make me happy even if there was no pictures attatched to it, if i knew that it was you writing it i'd be super happy and sometimes i kind of hear your voice in my head when i read something that you wrote- of course, i love the twitter updates because i like seeing what's on your mind and also your outfits 'cause we all know you're a super cool fashionista and always pick out something chic and eloquent or something with swag, but no matter what you choose- it's always eye catching, and somehow with whatever you put together.. it always just screams 'hyunsuk style' like it can all be different but still feel like 'you' if that makes sense? i'm not really sure how to explain it~ either way, you have a really cool fashion and i really like to admire it! but no matter what the content is from you, i really love to just know you're doing well!

by the way, speaking of your fashion- this is the drawing that i did for our 950 day milestone! i'm not sure if i showed it to you yet, but i had a lot of fun drawing with this, messing around with the colours and trying to get the right highlight...

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by the way, speaking of your fashion- this is the drawing that i did for our 950 day milestone! i'm not sure if i showed it to you yet, but i had a lot of fun drawing with this, messing around with the colours and trying to get the right highlights and textures until it came out right ! i always try to draw you the best that i can, but especially on days we have a milestone! you make me want to do my best,, hehe i know that i can't really offer a lot in my position as a fan but ! i try to put my heart into my heart since this is probably one of the closest thing that i can directly pour my emotions into, besides my writing of course! 'cause the writing is the most important thing to me, but i don't really want to forget my roots as an artist cos i've done it for so many years, but whenever i want to draw- the only inspiration i have is for you, so that's why it feels like whenever i draw it's just for a milestone or like your birthday or something tbh, things like that. you know? anyway i'm sorry if it's selfish! i just wanted to show you this drawing i did since i worked the hardest that i could on it~ hehehehe i think drawing you is always really fun, and i enjoy it ! !!! but i must be rambling a lot,, i'm sorry oh my gosh my letters are never that great lately, are they? they're never that great but i promise i try my best,,

anyway i guess that's all i have to say, for now? i'm really sorry about the length! i tried to make it better but idk it's just hard to concentrate lately, but sometimes!!!! when i can't use my words, i put that energy into drawing you with more effort!!!! but hehe it's sunday right? for you, anyway. i hope that you had a nice week, and i hope that monday starts smoothly for you! i've always thought that how monday goes can determine the whole flow of the week, tbh. but that's not always true! every day is just what you make it, and i know you always do your best to make it positive ! i know youre always trying to look after others well, but don't forget to do the same thing for you too, okay? eat well because it's important to replenish your body, i know you work hard :DD also rest when you have time, it's still sunday so you should be able to, right? either way, i just hope you're healthy and happy!!!! don't forget teumes always have your back too, okay??? we're cheering you no matter what, so keep that in mind~~ sorry for the bad letter but i hope you can tell, like always, how much i love you~~ ~ i'll see you tomorrow okay? until then, bye bye!!

i love you <3

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