july 5th, 2021

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hey, hyunsuk!!!

i am very happy today ! i got to see you when i wasn't really expecting to- so i feel really glad~ i knew that yedam was going to be doing a vlive, and i thought that it could be a possibility that you showed up for it, but i wasn't really 100% sure so i didn't hold my hopes up high for it, but i was very pleasantly surprised to see that you actually were on it! it made my whole day , and i just kept smiling the whole time i saw you T_T gosh, your happy energy is so contagious and i just simply pray that you can always be this happy, 'cause you truly deserve that more than anything else in the world, you know~ and it's fun watching everyone else's reactions to seeing you, too- when they see you happy and giggly they have the same thought process that i do, just how pure and endearing it is to see you in such high spirits, and how we hope that you're always happy ^^ teumes just want the absolute best for you always, 'cause youre a pure soul that we can always rely on no matter what! :D it keeps us going for these precious days where we get to see you- when the days are rough, having you around is what gives us motivation to keep trying to make it to tomorrow~~ honestly things sort of got rough again around here, so i'm not really sure how to handle it if im being 100% truthful.. but i think being able to see you today was my sign from the universe that i'll be alright, 'cause i have you.

i couldn't imagine this life without you T_T i know i say that, probably every single day tbh? but i don't know, i'm just thinking about it a lot more lately. usually this always happens as we approach a new milestone, but it's just crazy to think about. especially since this is the last one before we hit the big 1000 days! it felt like you made a huge impact on my life the first day you entered it, but now the fact that it's actually been so long, and this positive effect keeps growing and growing- it's just crazy amazing! i'm really grateful for you, i wouldn't trade you for anything else in the world. even in some crazy scenario where i could have my dream job, dream partner, live wherever i want- but all i'd have to do is give up you.. i wouldn't do it!!! is there a person i like, somewhere i'd like to live, and the wrestling career i still aspire for~? yep, i have all of those aspirations. but things like that in my life would be meaningless if i didn't have you, 'cause you always give me strength in the hard times and make the good moments happier, all if you're there. you saved me, so i always want you around. no matter how stupid it might look to anyone else, you're the most important person in my life and i'll truly cherish you forever, you're special and i just need you to function. i hope that it's not too strange or weird to say this kind of thing, but like i said.. i'm starting to feel sappy again.. hehe <333

even though my words often fail me, i can never seem to find the right things to say, and the words i do use i tend to fumble with- if it means anything , it's all from the deepest depths of my heart. i don't share these letters with anyone you know,, i upload them to wattpad in the mere thought you might stumble across them one day, but they're intended for you , since these are my feelings for you only :) i don't mind if others read them, but i don't go out of my way to share it either. i guess what i'm trying to say, is i'm trying to make it feel special in some sense, too. 'cause everything you do for teumes, it feels really special too hehehe~ but i guess im getting a bit side tracked, aren't i? i apologize :) just know that i'm thinking about you extra warmly today, and i'm glad that i got to see you- i hope you're still as happy as you looked earlier cause you deserve it <3 i'll say it for peace of mind, but i know you know it- just please take care of yourself, eat well and rest well, and remember that so many teumes have your back! that won't ever change, either. we care about you more than anything else in the world, and we'll support you no matter what<3 so i hope you'll have a good day!!! i'll see ya tomorrow for our 950 days heheheh <3 special letter, too! i'm so excited T_T see you then, hyunsuk! bai bai <3

like always and forever,
i love youuuuu <3

dear choi hyunsuk~ (2021) Where stories live. Discover now