july 13th, 2021

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greetings, mr choi!

i just wanted to say something.. i heard about doyoung earlier and i wanted to say i hope he feels better soon, and i hope that you'll feel okay too in quarantine ! i know you're technically okay, but you must be worried about doyoung too T_T i just hope things get better soon, i'm wishing the best for all of you! i'm always sending you guys my good vibes, but especially when things like this happen you know? T.T i worry about you guys,, but hey! you guys are all strong, mentally and physically! no matter what, you guys can prevail in the end! plus, you have the love of teumes always backing and supporting you as well~ ! we'll always send you our love, through the happiest and also the hard times, we just always have your back~ i wish there was more we could do to help you though,,, you guys always help so many countless teumes when we're having a hard time, and when we fully feel better- it's always thanks to you- but! i don't wanna talk about anything that might upset you too much, especially cause if you find this it might be awhile from now~ if ever! but hey, i do hope you're having an okay day in quarantine ^^ ! i know thinking about you has made my day a lot better~~

i actually started that drawing i was talking about the other day !!! from the pics promoting you guys' new merch, i forget what it was called tho- treasure world? either way, i spent a lot of time sketching the outline! it's really fun to draw you, all of your features are really nice~ i think i like your eyes the best though ! for drawing, anyway ^^ it's cool just how much expression is in your eyes alone, you just always look so soft and full of a lot of love- plus your eyes just sparkle! even before i draw anything, there's so much shine in your eyes <333 you're one of the most captivating and beautiful people in the whole world, in my eyes, and every time i draw you i feel really happy 'cause i get to admire all of your cool features !! if you want, i can try to show you the drawing that i did! but i guess there's no way for you to answer that, either.. T_T i assume you'd want to see it because you're really sweet with teumes, but i know my art isn't that great so i worry i'd be annoying you, sometimes T_T one thing i like about drawing you, is i just imagine if you liked it- it might make you smile! and like i said earlier, both you and treasure are people who can always make me smile when i'm having a hard time, so i'd do anything if it meant i could make u smile too ! my dream has always been to make you happy~~

i guess i don't really know what to say today so i'll probably stop the letter here, but- i'm sorry for a bad letter! i wanted to do something better but it seems like i messed up a bit,, i tried my best though! i just am kinda worried about doyoung and the rest of you guys also, so i just hope you're mentally doing okay too, i know things will be fine in the end but ahhhh just please take care!!!! you should still be able to play around and make music in your dorm right? even if you're quarantining ??? i know my dad makes music on his computer pretty easily,, so i hope you can too! just spend the time doing whatever makes you happiest- teumes will cheer you on like we always do so don't forget that T_TTTT you mean a lot to all of us, you're our sunshine and you make us the happiest !!!!!! i'll see you tomorrow though, hopefully with a better letter to go with it~ i'll always try my hardest for you! and i hope that you have a good day, once again :) please take care of yourself! until tomorrow though, bye bye!!!

i love you!!!!!

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