121. Volturi - New friends

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Your expression was unreadable. It implied your being in their presence as inconvenient. However you seemed oddly passive about the entire situation. Aro wasn't entirely unfamiliar with the expression though. It was a rare sight but it was clear to a man who had been around for centuries. You weren't at tune with the world around you. You were at an entirely different beat. It wasn't the Volturi that were inconveniencing you, it was the world itself. It was surprising because you were young in every way. You were just out of your newborn years and you were born in this era. This deducted you to being intelligent, very intelligent.

"You seem cautious of us."
"Something that only applies if they've done something wrong." Caius leaned forward.
"Brother, perhaps (Y/N) is just daunted to have new friends." Aro said cheerfully.
"You're not the type to have friends, the same goes for everyone here." You said quickly. "It's only fair that I mention that I don't have friends."
"On the contrary, we have a few dear friends."
"Not by the actual definition of friend. You scare them and judging by that look, you know that very well."
"it appears they are not interested and are a complete waste of our time." Caius said sternly.
"Brother, (Y/N) may just need some convincing. They are new after all."
"You don't make much of a convincing argument within your reputation."You crossed your arms.

"The laws are simple and we hide behind no façades. We do not offer second chances." Caius said with a piercing gaze. It didn't phase you. "Toshiro. He hadn't given his decision but his decision wasn't required was it? Not really. You wanted to send a message and he was the best way to do it."
"You knew him?"
You hummed in amusement. "No. I knew of him. I know of lots of people. I don't meet them though. I like being alone."
"How old are you now? Are you still a newborn?" Aro asked.
"I don't think so. I'm very good at controlling myself. I'm eleven going how long I've been immortal. I'm a little uncertain how old I was when I was changed."
"That may be a gift, my dear." There was a scheming glint in Aro's eyes. "I do love having new friends. I hope our new friendship stands the test of time."

Your eyes showed a flicker of discomfort. Aro's eyes flickered to the double doors behind you. You took it as your moment to leave. You slowly turned before walking towards the doors and two guards on either side opened their respective doors for you.

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