31. Choices (Embry x Reader) 1

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Summary: Embry has been missing for awhile when he shows back he seems completely different. When he sees you he finally decides to tell you everything, and everything starts to go back to normal. That is until Jacob tries to mess things up for you.


"It's been a week y/n!"

"Quil, maybe Embry is just going through something important."

"Whatever y/n you know sams got him in his little gang now." Jacob was getting on my nerves lately. Embry missing really only bothered him at school afterwards it was all about Bella. I for one, can't stand her. Jacob acts like he hasn't pretty much gone awol too. "I'm surprised you're not more worried about your boyfriend, unless you know something we don't."

He loved to irritate me, it was Quil and Jakes running joke. I joined their friend group late when I moved to la push because of my dads job. I had a class with Embry and after we had to work together he asked if had wanted to sit with him and the other guys. Quil was fine, and Jake was great at first but lately...

"He's not my boyfriend, and he hasn't talked to me either. I just hope he comes back soon."

"Well, speak of the devil. Look who's back." Quil spotted Embry coming into the cafeteria. "You're telling me his hair being all cut off has nothing to do with Sams gang?"

"Okay, first you don't know if that's what Sam does, maybe he saw whatever Embry was going through and reached out." Embry looked like he was terrified, and exhausted. Being accused of anything right now probably wouldn't help.

"God y/n, could you be anymore oblivious, look. He's going to sit with Paul and Jared. He won't even sit down and at least tell us where he's been."

"Jacob shut up. If he sat down he probably would have left right away anyway. Since all you guys want to do is attack him for not being at your beckoning call."

"We're supposed to be his best friends." There was no point in trying to argue, Quil and Jacob were both on the same page and they were as stubborn as rocks. The three of them used to be inseparable and they brought a warmth to your life as friends but what they saw as betrayal brought out hurt in a way you would have never expected.

"So then act like it. Be his friends and just support whatever he's going through." I got up and started to walk away, I was not in the mood for dealing with this today.

"What you going to join Sams club too?" Quil joked.

"I think I will." And with that i headed to where the other guys were sitting.

"Well well, what brings you here short stuff?" Jared was joking around but honestly after dealing with Jake and Quil it was a welcomed.

"Is it okay if I talk to Embry for a second?" Embry couldn't even look up, my heart hurt seeing him like that. Embry was the kindest of their group, he always had a smile on his face. Paul was known for being a bit a troublemaker, so it surprised me when he got up.

"Hey Jared, I need your help with something. Let's go."

Apparently this came as surprise to Jared too but he got up and they both walked away.

"Okay I'll make this quick because now that they are gone Jake and Quil are probably going to come bombard you questions and its pretty clear that right now that's not what you need so I just need to know if you're okay?"

"Honestly... I've been better but I really can't talk about it y/n." He face was in his hands now.

You put your hand on his arm which was way too warm for a normal person, but you figured he probably knew that so you just kept your hand there.

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