89. Been and Gone (Felix Volturi x Reader)

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You entered Felix's life as you did everyone else's in a very bizarre way. You had the ability to time travel.
Being human, it was difficult to keep up.
Sometimes you had travelled only minutes, other times, years. There was nowhere off limits.

You had literally fallen into their time before their very eyes. That's how almost every vampire met you or knew about you. You and Felix had fell for one another quite quickly. There had been discussions of your change approach.
However, what had made the Volturi hesitate was your gift. If you had no control now as a human then would this be the same as a newborn, only you'd also be out of control and bloodthirsty? The thought made them not want to risk it.

Recently, people had begun to notice you weren't quite the same. You were a little dazed at odd times of the day.
However they seemed to piece together what was coming when before Alec's very eyes, you disappeared. The plate you had in your hand falling to the ground and smashing. Alec was so taken aback he had simply let the plate fall. He'd never seen such a thing.

The Volturi thought it would have been minutes, hours even but Felix began to grow more on edge when hours turned into days, days turned to weeks.
Two months passed before you returned, in Marcus' study of all places to end up.
It was comical for you, seeing Marcus' look of surprise before you but suddenly it wasn't so funny when a very distraught Felix explained you hadn't been gone for the three days, you had thought.
It had been two months and you weren't even on Demetri's radar so you couldn't be tracked.
You quickly explained that made sense. You were in 1764.

Suddenly your ability wasn't so much an amazing phenomenon but more of a curse upon Felix. He couldn't stop worrying. Although things changed when you realised the last time you were gone for so long, the next one had you gone for years. You hadn't returned yet to the time it had last happened.

Felix was adamant at that point, he wanted to you do everything in your power to stay and sometimes you could hold it off, but it was getting more difficult. That everyone could see and the Volturi were realising your departure was inevitable. Felix denied this, refused to even entertain the idea.
That led to now.

You and the Volturi had been visiting the Cullen's when you seemed very distracted, dazed even. You seemed to hear bits and pieces of what was being said to you and it was only getting worse with every second. Felix grabbed your wrists tightly, so tight it had to hurt, yet you didn't seem to feel it.
"(Y/N)!" He yelled. You didn't respond. Marcus slowly moved to step in, the only one who knew what to do. The only one who understood.
"Let them go." Marcus whispered. If anyone knew this pain. The pain of letting go, it was Marcus.

Felix shook his head, his grip on your wrists still tight. His eyes pleaded to everyone, including you, hoping you'd stay. However you're attention was taken from him.
"Is that light over there for me?" You asked quietly.
"You're the only one who can see it." Marcus responded gently.
"Please...Please, (Y/N)." Felix quietly pleaded, tears would have fallen if the could.
Marcus crouched down, placing a hand on Felix's shoulder. "Felix, you know they cant control this."
"If they go, I might not get them back."
"They'll take that risk, so you should do the same for them." Marcus pressed. Felix squeezed his eyes shut.

Felix cradled your head, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"My (Y/N)..." Felix trailed off.
For a second, a brief painful second, your eyes fixed onto him, noticing his distress.
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, you were gone. That very moment, Felix's heart shattered.

Hours passed, Felix could only stare at the spot you once stood, unable to bring himself back to reality, one you were no longer in.
Slowly Carlisle moved towards him, something in his hand but Felix didn't care for it.
"You know, some humans believe that some people just fall out of the world sometimes." Carlisle smiled sadly towards Felix. "They always leave traces. The most miniscule of things that people wouldn't think twice about. Perhaps a lipstick stain on a coffee mug left at a diner or a hand print on a window and..." Carlisle moved forward pulling out a photograph. If Felix had to take a guess it was from the 1800′s "Faces in photographs who you may not even have noticed were there."
The photograph was aged significantly, although Carlisle kept it in good condition.

Sure enough, in the foreground was Carlisle along with another doctor but in that background, in the very back corner surrounded by nurses was your familiar face. You were looking away, seemingly unaware the picture had been taken. Carlisle continued. "I used to say that if something was remembered then it could always come back. The optimist in me I suppose." Carlisle smiled. "Although Esme said it better." He cast a glance to his wife with a loving smile. "She said if it was remembered, then was it every really gone? I don't think you have to worry about where they go, Felix. I think you'll see one another again." Felix gasped when it hit him what the photograph was proof of.
Maybe in another time and another place just as confused as when you first met, once again you were out there and could come back.
You hadn't faded out of existence.
Carlisle smiled slightly. "You'd think i'd remember them but i don't seem to recall seeing them. It could be down to looking at someone but not really focusing on them. The many faces you pass everyday but never actually look at."
"At least they're consistent with one thing." Felix finally began.
"What's that?" Carlisle asked.
"even in the 1800′s they're still so tiny."
Demetri chuckled and Felix cracked a small smile. Even Carlisle couldn't help but smile too.

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