104. Embry Call - A New Wolf IV

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Words: 3,794
Embry Call x Reader

This part features a OC.


If you had to pick a favourite thing about your wolf boyfriend it was that he was so warm and comfy that you could nap cuddled up against him for hours but, unfortunately, right now he needed you to remain awake. You sighed and cuddled up against his chest as you let the new information wash over you, he rubbed your back with his massive hand as you both lay on his bed. He kissed the top of your head as you idly gazed out into the hallway, his mum's rule was that if you were around the bedroom door always had to be open, she wasn't in but in all honestly you felt a bit more comfortable with it open. You'd not discussed being intimate with Embry, and right now wasn't the time, so you hid behind the open door and his mother's rules.

"You know, she'll be loving the attention." You mumbled after a moment of silence and beneath your head Embry's chest rumbled in agreement.
"Jacobs in bits over the whole thing." Embry told you, "He can't believe that she chose the leech over him."
"I can't believe it either if I'm honest." You told him.
"I thought that you were over your thing for Jacob." Embry teased you and squeezed your arm playfully, you managed a small smile but even Embry couldn't cheer you up after the news that he'd given you.

A vampire army was coming to Forks. Yeah, vampire army. And Jacob was worried about his love life.

"When did my life get so complicated?" You sighed and started to draw patterns with your finger over Embry's chest.
He caught your hand and brought it up to his lips so that he could kiss the back of your hand, "I'm guessing when you met me?" he offered.
You sat up and looked down at him, since getting over your initial awkwardness about the imprint you'd not seen him look so unsure of himself. Your stomach flipped at the self-annoyance in his voice, you leaned down and brushed your lips against his before smirking and mumbled against his lips, "Yes you ruined my life, you stupid mutt."
It took him a whole second to register the humour in your voice and in the next second he'd whipped a pillow from under his own head and hit you around the head with it. You let out a yelp of indignation as you play fought on his bed, his large hands finding your sides and tickling you. In a rush to escape his tickling torture you threw yourself to the side and as you began to fall off of his bed he caught you and fell with you so that you landed atop him in a pile of limbs and bedding.

He was laughing the ridiculous barking laugh that he did when he found something way too funny, the one that you found so adorable no matter who much the rest of the pack mocked it. That was Embry's unabashed joy, how could you not like it? Your laughing soon joined him and you dropped yourself down on the floor beside him, laughing and enjoying life as you knew it before the forces of darkness descended upon Forks.
His warm hand found yours as you lay there. He faced you, his mop of hair sticking out from your fighting, "How can you make me laugh when all the worlds going to shit?"
You dramatically batted your eyelashes, "Because I'm the best imprint ever?"
You got a pillow in the face again for that one.


After each imprint had been told individually about the looming threat, you were all invited over to Emily and Sam's to discuss what it meant for the pack. Sam took centre stage, as Alpha, and the pack sat with the imprints in a circle around him. Embry had bundled you into his lap but you were sure to give Jacob a hug on the way in, he needed to know that he wasn't alone.
"So, you all know that Forks is in danger." Sam started, Paul opened his mouth to make a comment but Leah clamped her hand over his mouth and Sam continued, "There's no way to sugar coat it, we have decided to fight alongside the Cullen's to eradicate the Leeches."

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