Engagement 2

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That evening.
In the Frost dinner table :

The Duke stares at Margarita.

Miguelito is drinking a soup and suddenly let the spoon go as he stares at his older sister.

"Is it bad?" Margarita tilts her head.

The Duke reprimand Miguelito and then stares at X. X nods and then he stares back at Margarita.

"The First Prince? You are still engage with Prince Diego."

"The King still won't let me go,huh?" Margarita smiles.

"Well, he wants to use the Frost as a good backer for Prince Diego. Sadly for the King, his son is too stupid to understand."
The Duke wipes his lips with a napkin and stares at Margarita.

"Sister, you...you want to get engage with another prince?" Miguelito asks.

"Why not? If our family supports First Prince not even the Royal family can easily get rid of him."
Margarita smiles.

"But still....Why do you want to help him?" Duke frowns.

"He will help me crush the Argente's house. And he is also someone that is easy to talk to."
Margarita said thinking.

"Hmm..The King knows that Prince Dwayn is the most capable Prince. So even if you get your engagement off with Prince Deigo. I doubt he will let you and Prince Dwayn get engage."
Duke said.
"That is like telling the citizen to revolt and kick off the Crown Prince so I doubt It will be easy."

"How about if we fell so deeply inlove?" Margarita smiles.

"What do you mean?" Duke frowns.

"We think that if Lady Margarita become head over heels inlove with the first prince, even the King cannot stop it."
X said.

"Head over heels." Miguelito is bewildered.
He stares at his sister who doesn't look like anyone who cares about love or something like that.


"Your highness?"

Dwayn is laughing all the carriage ride.

It was amazing how he can laugh so long.

"Ahh...She never fail to make me laugh." Dwayn said and sit up properly then he once again giggles and laugh.

"Are you serious with your plan with her?" The guy asks.

Dwayn smiles and get down the carriage.
He is looking at the sky.

"I never feel so excited knowing a beauty will pursue me.pffftt--"
He tries concealing his laughter.

The guy blinks and stare at the first prince.

When did he lack of women going around his palm?
But this is the first that the prince looks really entertained with the idea of being courted.

"You will use the Duke's daughter for your plans?"

Dwayn didn't hides it and nod.
"And she will use me quite well too. Isn't it interesting?"

"You better not forget that you two are not actually in love and just using each other."

"I know that."


"Of course. What? Do you think I will seriously become a prisoner of my own feelings?" Dwayn smirks.

"Well, for one. I never seen you act so happy and excited to meet a girl."

Dwayn shakes her head.
"No. I am just entertained with her."

"And that will not lead to love?"

"Probably." Dwayn smiles.

The man shakes his head.
"I wonder."


The next morning, Emely crumbles the newspaper.

Headline : The Frost Young Miss is in love with the First Prince.

Dwayn smiles looking at the newspaper.


X stares at the newspaper and sighs.
Margarita is drinking her coffee.

"Miss, is this really necessary?" X asks.

Margarita nods.
"I will pursue a man. If I don't do my best I will not call myself Frost from now on."

Miguelito runs to the garden.
W-What is this headline?"

"Oh. You read it too? What do you think? Is it convincing?" Margarita asks.

"C-convincing? This is crazy!"

Margarita smiles.
"It begins now."

Duke shakes his head in his room.
"My daughter changes in a very weird way."


Drinking basteakoy and eating bibingka.
My finger is sticky..

Duke's Daughter Margarita Frost Reporting for Dutyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن