Dating Mark Hoffman includes:

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Warnings: spoilers from the Saw series.

Gender Neutral reader 

👮‍♂️Being one of John's apprentices when you first met Mark. Whether it be you trying to get more information about him for John or preparing to kidnap Mark.

👮‍♂️At first, you didn't respect or really like Mark for trying to copy "Jigsaw's" work. That was until you discovered why he killed Seth.

👮‍♂️It was kind of like an "I hate this detective but fuck he's hot when he's covered in blood." Ordeal. You tried to keep an professional distance from him in the beginning.

👮‍♂️Competing over who's a better apprentice. The rivalry between the two of you caused a lot of pent up sexual tensions between the two of you.  There has been times John had to diffuse the situation or two of his best apprentices are going to kill each other.

👮‍♂️Once you begin to realize that your hate for Hoffman isn't really hate, you ended up not being as hard on him as before.

👮‍♂️You are a mystery to Mark to say the least. You weren't in any police records so he wondered why you were helping John build traps. Obviously, he sees himself in you by the way you're passionate about receiving information about potential candidates. But there was something more.

👮‍♂️Sexual tension continued to build up to the point where one day, Mark pulled you into an empty room and started kissing you. That's was how the two of you became official.

👮‍♂️Being each others emotional support.  You help him with getting past the alcohol while he helps you out with feeling cared about.

👮‍♂️You're the only living person that he cares about. He doesn't have any living family members and he's emotionally abandoned his detective career. In a way, you're the only one who fully sees Mark for who he truly is.

👮‍♂️Being a mediator between him and Amanda as John's health further declines.

👮‍♂️Once John and Amanda died, it was the two of you. While he did the more physical aspects of being Jigsaw, you were the informative aspect- more of an background partner.

👮‍♂️Mark has tendencies on hiding key information or telling some of the truth because of his hunger for power and control. That tends to be the main issue in your relationship.

👮‍♂️Mark loves you but he's the one in control and you better know your place.

👮‍♂️Work Mark and Personal Mark are two different creatures. Working with a control freak is hell. You most likely have to learn how to separate your boyfriend from your colleague early on.

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