Leatherface with angel s/o headcanons:

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Request: Hi 🌸 May I please get a leather face Headcancon where he meets a o/s with angel wings that can be red or black and he shows his family the winged o/s who is sitting in a tree

Warnings: none

Gender Neutral Reader

🤠Bubba Sawyer🤠

🤠 This Texan boy thought he had died and went to heaven when he first saw your black wings.

🤠 Bubba loves touching your wings because of how soft they feel against his calloused hands. At least you get a pretty good wing message by Bubba.

🤠 The twins were the first to find out that Bubba's s/o was an literal angel. Let's just say they had a lot of questions for you.

🤠 "can you fly?" "Would your wings taste like chicken wings?" Yes, it's that type of questioning.

🤠 Drayton isn't the one to believe his younger brothers when they say that Bubba's partner has wings until he saw you sitting on top of a tree on one hot summer day.

🤠 "I'll be damned. Them nitwits weren't lying." That was when you've became the Sawyers flying hunter.

🐖Thomas Hewitt🐖

🐖 Thomas loves how badass/ awesome your red wings looked on you. He wouldn't be as keen to tell most of his family about your wings.

🐖 Luda Mae was the first of Thomas's family to find out about your wings. You bet your ass she would make you a sweater that accommodates for your wings for when you fly at night.

🐖 Slowly, one by one of Thomas's family discovered your wings.

🐖 Monty likes it when you fly him around at night. He would never admit it to you. He's indifferent about your wings because of him being an double amputee and knows what it's like to be judged.

🐖 Hoyt was the last to find out. He actually thought he has gone bat shit when he saw your red wings as you sat on the roof of the Hewitt house. After the initial shock, he wouldn't admit it but he thought you looked badass guarding the Hewitt house with your red wings.

🐖 Hoyt on the other hand is still that typical Hoyt asshole. The amount of times he's threatened to cut your wings off if you don't get back to work is not surprising.

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