chp21:Young couple arguing 4

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Stupid." Mom Taozi tapped on the head of

    Taozi, and whispered, "This is a love letter." "Oh." Tao nodded, and the love letter was awkward, what a mysterious thing.

    "The love letter is that someone likes Shen Mochen, and wants Shen Mochen to be her husband." Mom Tao rolled her eyes helplessly, really wondering whether Tao was born by herself, how could she react so slowly?

    "What?" Taozi was taken aback, jumping straight out of the chair, and watching her mother said, "What's the matter, Shen Mochen can only be my husband."

    "Then you still help others hand in love letters to him?"

    "I I don't know. "Taozi looked anxiously at the pink envelope in her mother's hand." Give it back to me, and I'll return it to our classmates tomorrow. "

    " Take it. "Mom Tao sighed and put the The envelope was handed back to peach, hey, so stupid, her husband was robbed by others later, or if he had to help others count money. Fortunately, the boy Shen Mochen is still more specific. Mom Taomo thinks more and more that this son-in-law is good. Fortunately, she booked it earlier, or she would definitely not compete with other girls with IQ.

    "What about Shen Mochen? He is still angry." Taozi packed the envelope into the schoolbag again, and planned to return it to her classmates tomorrow, but she glanced out the window, and the door of Shen Mochen's house was still tightly closed.

    "Don't be discouraged, anyway, it's not the first time he has ignored you." Mom Tao shrugged her shoulders indifferently, turned and walked towards the kitchen again. "Mom is going to have dinner, so you have to hurry to do your homework I wrote, do n’t write, I ’m not allowed to eat. ”

    “ I know ... ”Peach walked weakly into the room. Really, my mother did n’t know when to start, and she learned the practice of doing dad. She glanced at the door of Shen Mochen's house again, and reluctantly returned to the room to write her homework.

    The next day, Tao arrived at the school early, took Li Tingting's hand, and severely stuffed the love letter back into her hand, saying rightly: "Ting Ting, my husband said he didn't want this."

    "Hey, I guess he won't." Li Tingting held the envelope in his hand helplessly, sighed, and then suddenly reacted, shaking the shoulders of Taozi and screaming: "What do you say? Your husband?"

    Taozi Shocked by her, dizzy and swollen, she shouted again and again: "Hold on, don't shake me."

    "Oh oh." Li Tingting finally stopped her movements and looked around, Fortunately, this meeting is relatively early. There are not many students in the class, so he lowered his voice in a small voice: "What did you just say? Shen Mochen is your husband?"

    "Yeah." Tao Zi looked at her with a look of wonder. "Do you need to be so surprised?"

    "Of course I'm surprised. Who is Shen Mochen? He doesn't like to talk to boys, let alone girls. Being able to talk to Shen Mochen is enough for their class. The girls are excited for a long time. "

    " How do you know so well about their class? "

    " You don't need to ask this. "Li Tingting pulled the body of Taozi, looked carefully, and nodded:" Their class The girls on the floor all said Shen Mo Can not have a girlfriend, you just said his sister, you really can not think of his girlfriend ah. "

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