On again, off again

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//This is gonna be a little angsty at the beginning but don't worry, it turns out cute.//

Kurt danced around his apartment, singing as he swept the floor. He was finally over everything that had happened with Blaine and he was happy again. He was enrolled in his last year at NYADA and worked at the diner. He hasn't gotten very many roles except for a few off broadway flops and commercials for weird medicines but he had home.

"Don't cry for me ARGENTINAAAAA" he belts out as there was a knock on the door.

Kurt turns off the music and opens the door. "Hello-" He stops in his tracks when he sees Blaine standing there, sobbing, with snow covered hair.

"Blaine.... w-what's wrong? Here, come inside, you're freezing." Kurt says, pulling Blaine inside and grabbing a blanket, wrapping at around Blaine. "Why are you in New York? I thought you lived in LA now?"

Blaine sniffles, wiping the snow out of his hair. "I moved back last week. S-Sebastian and I... got an apartment."

"Oh- you're with Sebastian now?" Kurt asks, trying not to sound bitter.

Blaine shakes his head, still shivering and crying. "I-I'm so sorry Kurt."

"What is it, Blaine?" Kurt asks, worriedly. "What's going on?"

"So I got home from work early, expecting Sebastian to be at work still, but he was in bed with his boss." Blaine sighs. "And I don't even really love him. So I can't imagine how awful I made you feel and I feel like such an awful person."

Kurt sighs, hugging Blaine. "I'm so sorry, Blainey." He says, rubbing Blaine's back.

Kurt had to admit, Blaine was looking good these days. He abandoned most of the gel, he's matured a lot, and his somehow got so much sexier.

"I didn't know where to go, I don't really know anyone else in the city, but also, I just really needed to see you. Ever since I got here, all I can think about is you. I love you, Kurt." Blaine says softly.

Kurt pulls away from the hug. "Blaine, I cant just go back to this. I know I still have feelings for you, but I've spent the past two years trying to get rid of the feelings because you hurt me, blaine. I'm not saying I'll never forgive you, and for the most part, I actually have mostly forgiven you. But babe, you put me through a lot." Kurt sighs, holding Blaine again.

Blaine nods. "I-I get that. Thank you for not hating me."

"I could never hate you. Now come on, let's go make up the bed." Kurt smiles softly.

"O-Oh, we don't have to share a bed if you are uncomfortable with it. I can sleep on the couch or go find a hotel." Blaine says timidly.

"Don't be silly, Blaine. We slept in the same bed for a year." Kurt chuckles, walking Blaine to the bedroom.

Blaine smiles softly, starting to feel better.

Kurt and Blaine made the bed together like they used to do, climbing in it.

Kurt turns to face Blaine, giving him a soft smile. "Goodnight, Blaine."

"Kurt can I ask you a question?" Blaine asks quietly.

"Of course, Blaine. What's your question?" Kurt smiles.

"Have you dated anyone since me?" Blaine asks. "Sorry if that's prying. You don't have to answer."

"I've only dated one guy. His name was Adam. Once he got me to have sex with him, he dropped me and left." Kurt shrugs.

Blaine frowns. "I'm sorry honey, that sucks."

Kurt cuddles up with Blaine, smiling softly at him. "I don't think I'm gonna have to be worrying about any other guy for a while." He blushes.

Blaine leans in slowly, kissing Kurt softly. He felt the sparks flying just like they used to.

Kurt leaned in, deepening the kiss, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.


"I'm gonna go for a run and to go get you some groceries. I feel bad for eating yours." Blaine smiles. "See you in a bit." He says happily, going out the door.

Rachel walks out from her room, smiling at Kurt. "I'm so happy you two are back together! I've been waiting and waiting for you to be happy again."

Kurt smiles, practically glowing.

"You look different... maybe brighter? Oh my GOD!! YOU AND BLAINE SLEPT TOGETHER!!" Rachel screams.

Kurt rolls his eyes. "Shush! And yes, we did, but don't tell anyone. We're still working things out."

Rachel nods sharply. "Of course." She smiles.

"Do you think it's a smart idea for me to be doing this? I love him but I'm scared. He hurt me, Rach. Am I doing the right thing here?" Kurt asks, worriedly.

Rachel smiles at Kurt, holding his hands. "Kurt, you love him. It's got to mean something that even after you were split apart, across the country, you made your way back to each other in order to fall in love again. You belong together and I think you both know that."

Kurt nods, smiling at her. "I think we do, too."


Kurt and Blaine were laying on the couch, having a movie night since Rachel was out tonight.

Blaine turns to Kurt. "Kurt, I hate to make this awkward, but what the hell are we?"

Kurt sighs. "I've been thinking about that question a lot. And I wouldn't be opposed if maybe you wanted to label us as.... boyfriends?" He smiles softly.

Blaine giggles, kissing Kurt gently. "I'd love to be boyfriends, Kurt." He smiles brightly.

Klaine One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon