In His Bed

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//This is gonna be the scene from Blame it on the Alcohol where Burt walks in to see a hungover Blaine in Kurt's bed cause it never really elaborated on that so here ya go.//

Kurt slowly stirred awake and blushed, remembering that Blaine was asleep next to him.

Kurt gets up to do his skincare routine. He knew that he should let Blaine sleep in and he would just drive them both to Dalton later on because there's no doubt Blaine would be sick considering he was blackout drunk the night prior.

Suddenly, Kurt heard Burt open the door.

"Whats this?" Burt motions to the bed, thinking the person in bed was Kurt. "Today was the day you were gonna teach me all about brunch." Burt says.

Kurt pokes his head around the corner. "I'll be down in a minute." he says.

Blaine sat up quickly in the bed before Burt could ask any questions. "Where am I?" Blaine asks sleepily.

"Oh. I'm sorry. My bad." Burt says, realizing that there was a boy in his sons bed. He slowly backs out of the room and shuts the door.

"Shit." Kurt whispers harshly.

"What's going on?" Blaine asks, severely confused. "The last thing I remember is kissing.. Rachel? Why the hell did I kiss Rachel?" Blaine says quietly because his voice sounded very loud to him.

Kurt giggles a bit, sitting next to Blaine on the bed. "Aww you really don't remember?" He smirks. "You kissed Rachel because you were drunk and you guys sang Don't You Want Me. And then I brought you back home here because you threw up in my car so I wasn't about to take you all the way to your house so you crashed here. Now get ready for school." Kurt says, patting Blaine's leg. "Now I have to go downstairs and explain to my dad that we didn't have sex." Kurt says, walking downstairs.

"Dad?" Kurt says softly, wondering where his dad went.

"In here." Burt calls from the kitchen. "What was that all about?"

"I'm sorry dad. He was just too drunk to drive home so I let him crash here." Kurt explains. "Wait you kids are drinking now?!" Burt raises his voice. "Finn and I didn't drink anything if that's what you're worried about." Kurt defends.

"Listen, I just want you to ask me before you have a boy over." Burt says. "You need to get going if you're gonna get to school on time." He says.

Kurt rolls his eyes, going back upstairs.

He walked into his room and didn't see Blaine. He then heard the toilet flushing and Blaine walked back into the room. "Um I just threw up so I don't think I'm going to school today." Blaine says softly. "I feel like I might actually be dying."

"Aww poor thing. Maybe chill on the alcohol next time." Kurt giggles, helping Blaine get back into bed.

"I guess I have no choice but to stay with you." Kurt smirks, getting into bed with his best friend, cuddling into the blankets.

"Kurt, I do remember you being kinda mad last night. Right around the time I kissed Rachel. Is it because I kissed her?" Blaine asks.

"That was just a silly game of spin the bottle and you were both drunk, I know that you would never make that choice sober." Kurt laughs.

"Yeah." Blaine says, laying his head on Kurt's shoulder. "I'm going back to bed before I throw up again. That wasn't fun."

"Goodnight." Kurt giggles, kissing the top of Blaine's head, rubbing his back to soothe him to sleep.

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