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//requested by @malecacid. Sorry, I wanted to write this yesterday but I had a show choir competition all day😬 but here ya go.//

Kurt and Blaine were sitting on Kurt's bed, watching Harry Potter.

The door was closed and Kurt started to wonder why Blaine and him weren't kissing. Hell, they were barely holding hands or cuddling.

Kurt started to panic as he thought about why Blaine wasn't kissing him. It was because he wasn't sexy to Blaine. Were they just going to have a sexless relationship because Blaine didn't want to do anything with Kurt because he wasn't even attracted to him?

Blaine turned to Kurt and saw the panicked look on his face and frowns. "What's wrong, baby?" He asks, softly squeezing Kurt's hand.

Kurt shook his head. "It's nothing." He says, continuing to watch the movie.

Blaine turns Kurt's head so that's their facing each other now. "Baby, what's wrong? I want to help you but I can't do that if you don't tell me what's going on." He says softly.

Kurt sighs. "We're two teenage boys, in my bed, with the door closed and we're not doing anything! And I know exactly why. It's because you don't think I'm sexy. Like when you told me a few months ago that my sexy faces looked like gas pains." He says, crying softly.

Blaine frowns, cupping Kurt's cheek. "Kurt, I've been wanting to kiss you since that door closed. But I haven't because I didn't think you wanted me to. We've never really talked about touching and when it's okay and when it's not. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable because I love you. I think you're so hot and so sexy and so unbelievably gorgeous I just didn't know if you wanted to hear that." Blaine says shyly.

Kurt blushes and smiles softly. "I love you too, Blaine." He says, leaning in to kiss him softly.

Blaine kisses him back, deepening the kiss, showing Kurt how much he loved him.

Kurt smiles into the kiss, parting his lips for Blaine.


A little while later, they two boys stopped making out and started watching the rest of the movie, cuddling closer now.

They held each other in their arms and teasingly kissed each other's faces and arms and hands every once in a while.

Kurt giggles happily at Blaine. "I'm glad that after five months of dating, we finally figured this out." He chuckles.

Blaine blushes. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that. But seriously you are so hot, it's unbelievable." He smirks, kissing Kurt again, softly but lovingly.

Kurt pulls away smiling. "There's no one else I'd rather go through this with than you, Blaine." He giggles.

Blaine laughs softly. "That was cheesy, babe. But I agree." He smiles.

They two boys kissed and cuddled for the rest of the night.

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