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//so this was requested by @heeremell and @malecacid. It's about Blaine, a bad boy, being all protective of Kurt, who is just his normal self.//

Kurt walked up to Blaine in the hallway, sweetly kissing his cheek. "Hey, handsome." He smiles happily.

"Hey, babe." Blaine smiles at him before seeing his outfit which was really tight bright blue jeans and a sparkly silver sweater.

Blaine quickly takes off his leather jacket, putting it around Kurt. "Babe, as hot as you look in that, you need to cover up. I don't want you to be attracting Karofsky's attention. I don't want him hurting you. While I love your outfit, it's just too bright. Plus, you look cute in my jacket." Blaine smiles, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist and kissing him lovingly.

Kurt sighs and pouts. "But I really liked my outfit today. Although the jacket does look cute with it." He smiles softly.

Blaine giggles, pecking Kurt's lips again and then leaving soft, quick kisses on Kurt's face to make him laugh and smile.

Kurt giggles, a smile beaming across his face. "Baby!" He squeals.

Blaine smiles and pulls away. "I'll see you at lunch?"

"Yep! I'll see you then. Maybe we can go eat outside again today? It was really fun sitting alone with you last time." Kurt smiles happily.

Blaine nods and hugs Kurt for a minute and then let's him go. "Of course we can baby." He smiles, loving that Kurt was so happy.


Blaine sat in the place they sat outside last time, waiting for his boyfriend to show up.

About five minutes into lunch, Blaine was confused as to why Kurt wasn't there yet because he was always there by then. So he texted him.

[Kurt, babe, where are you?]

[Come to the locker room. Hurry please] Kurt texted back.

Blaine hopped up and booked it to the locker room, shoving everyone out of his way.

He opened the door and saw Kurt sitting on the floor, his back against the lockers and his head in his hands.

Blaine came running over to him, kneeling next to him and whispering. "It's me, baby." He says softly before placing his hand on Kurt's shoulder, making sure not to frighten him.

Kurt fell into Blaine's lap, sobbing into his chest.

Blaine rubs Kurt's back, letting him cry into his shirt.  When Kurt's sobbing died down, Blaine lifted up Kurt's face and saw that he had a bruised lip and a cut on his forehead, along with a couple scratches on his face and neck and a black eye that was forming.

"Baby boy, what happened?" Blaine whispers softly, gently rubbing his thumb over the cut to make sure it wasn't deep enough for stitches, which it wasn't.

Kurt winces, clinging onto Blaine. "Can we go somewhere else?" Kurt whispers.

Blaine nods and starts to carry Kurt to one of the empty classrooms.

Kurt shakes his head. "N-not here. Home maybe." Kurt says softly.

Blaine nods, kissing Kurt's forehead gently. "Okay, lovebug. Whatever you want." He says, carrying Kurt to his car and driving to Kurt's house.

They got there and Blaine went to let Kurt out of the car, helping him to the door and up the stairs to his room.

Kurt sat down on the bed, wiping his tears away.

Blaine sits next to him, holding his hands. "Are you hurt anywhere else, baby?" He asks softly.

Kurt nods. "M-my back..." He says, crying softly.

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