A Break

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//Kurt and Blaine are living in New York, Kurt is a main fashion designer at vogue and Blaine is in between broadway shows, and deciding to finish his term at Nyada after he dropped out a while ago. Also this is showing how Blaine talks to their son because most people talk to kids like they're idiots so they never learn that they aren't dumb, so Blaine's talking to their son like he's an adult👍🏼👍🏼.//

Kurt was standing in the kitchen, drinking some coffee and watching his gorgeous husband who was studying on the couch, soon wondering why their son was so quiet.

Kurt went looking for Evan, who wasn't in his bedroom so Kurt went to look in his and Blaine's bedroom and he wasn't there either. And that's when he heard giggling coming from his office.

Kurt walked in there, his jaw dropping to the floor when he saw what Evan was doing.

Evan smiles and looks up at Kurt, giggling. "Daddy look what I colored!" He smiles proudly, holding up one of Kurt's sketches that he'd been working on all week, that was now covered in messy crayon marks.

"Evan! No sir!" Kurt says frustratedly. "Blaine!!" He yells. Kurt takes Evan out of his chair. "Go to your room young man." He says sternly.

The five year old runs off to his room, not knowing what he did wrong.

Kurt picked up his sketches, looking at all his hard work that was ruined.

Blaine walks in there, warily. "What happened, baby?" He asks softly.

Kurt throws the papers down. "Look what he did! All my hard work is ruined!" He resisted the urge to scream because he didn't want to scare Evan. He bit back tears because he was frustrated and sad and angry all at once.

Blaine came over to him and help him closely, rubbing Kurt's back. "I'm so sorry baby. Maybe you can redraw them? I'll get him out of your hair and then once I put him to bed, we can cuddle cause we both need a break for tonight." He says calmly.

Kurt cries softly into Blaine's shoulder. "These are due tomorrow, Blaine. I have a huge meeting with everyone important in the company and I was supposed to show them all of these. I can't redraw all of them tonight!"

"Maybe I can help you? I'm pretty good at copying from other sketches." Blaine smiles softly, lifting Kurt's chin up and smiling at him. "I'll help you. Don't stress out about it, alright babe?"

Kurt smiles softly. "Okay, thank you baby. Go get Evan ready for bed but call me in there when you tuck him in, I want to talk to him."

"Of course, baby." Blaine smiles, kissing the top of Kurt's head.

Blaine goes into Evans room and found him crying. "Hey buddy." He says softly, sitting next to Evan.

Evan looks up at his papa, sniffling and cuddling into his lap.

Blaine plays with Evan's soft, light brown hair. "Buddy do you know what you did wrong?"

Evan shakes his head. "I was just coloring." He says, confusedly because he couldn't figure out why his daddies were mad.

"Well those weren't coloring pages. Those were daddy's drawings for work. They're very important to him and you weren't supposed to color those. He worked really hard on them and now he has to redo them because he has to turn them in tomorrow. I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, I just want you to know what you did wrong." Blaine says softly, kissing Evan's forehead.

"I'm sorry, papa." Evan says, laying his head on Blaine's chest.

"I forgive you, buddy. Do you want to go take a bath?" Blaine smiles softly.

Evan smiles, nodding. "Yeah!" He giggles.


Blaine tucks Evan into bed and Kurt walks in. Blaine kisses Evan's forehead. "Goodnight, buddy. Daddy wants to talk to you for a second." He smiles.

Evan nods and Kurt sits at the edge of Evan's bed as Blaine leaves.

Evan frowns. "Are you mad at me, daddy?"

"I am a little mad but I see how you got confused. Just promise not to do it again, alright?" Kurt smiles softly.

Evan nods, smiling. "Alright, daddy."

Kurt giggles softly at his sons adorableness. "Goodnight, bud. I love you." He smiles, kissing Evan's head.

Evan smiles. "I love you too." He giggles, rolling over and going to sleep.

Kurt shuts the door and goes and sits in his office with Blaine. "I actually redid a lot while you were gone." He smiles. "So you only need to help with a couple but we only have five left."

Blaine smiles and pics the one he wants to do. "Babe, these are incredible. You're amazing." He giggles, kissing Kurt's jawline lazily and sleepily.

Kurt giggles. "Babe as much as I want to make out with you right now, we need to finish these."

Blaine chuckles and redoes two of the sketches while Kurt does the other three.

"We did it!" Kurt giggles excitedly.

Blaine smiles, kissing Kurt gently and lovingly, practically falling asleep in his office chair and then immediately waking up cause he panicked. "Oh my god I didn't finish studying for my text tomorrow!" He groans and goes to grab his books and stuff from the living room.

Blaine cuddled up in bed with Kurt, Kurt practically falling asleep on Blaine's arm.

Blaine puts his books down and cuddles up with Kurt.

"You know what my favorite thing about the day is?" Blaine smiles.

"What, baby?" Kurt says sleepily.

"Night time. Whenever we tuck Evan into bed and sing it him or read him a story and then come in here and cuddle until we both fall asleep." Blaine smiles.

Kurt kisses him softly. "I love that too."  He says through a yawn, smiling none the less.

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