Go Ahead, Hit Me

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//alrighty pals, in this one, Kurt and Blaine are both popular bois. Blaine is still in the closet and he's dating Quinn. Kurt is out but too scared to date anyone.//

Blaine walks into school and to his locker, being greeted by Quinn who gave him a quick kiss.

Blaine smiles at her. "Hey, are you going to Puck's party tonight?" He asks.

Quinn frowns, shaking her head. "No, my mom wants me to go to church tonight and help out with some kids things." She sighs.

Blaine pouts, faking it because he was actually kinda happy she wasn't going. She was really controlling over him. "Awww man. Well I'll be sure to drink enough for the both of us." He chuckles.

Quinn rolls her eyes. "You're only drinking two beers. You need to keep up your health. I can't have you sick for the big football game tomorrow night. I am not about to be dating the guy who makes our team lose. Got it?" She sasses.

Blaine sighs. "Yep!" He says, walking away. "Goodbye!" He sasses.


Later on that night, practically everyone showed up to Pucks party, including Kurt, because he had to be at every party. He did practically rule the school after all.

Blaine, who was already shitfaced, came up to Kurt, smirking. "Hello."

Kurt giggles softly, also quite drunk. "Hello." He says back happily.

Blaine smiles at him. "Do you want to go upstairs with me for a second?" He asks.

Kurt nods, blushing. "Sure!" He smirks, walking upstairs.

Blaine waited a little bit and then walked upstairs as well, trying to make it not that suspicious.

Kurt pulled Blaine into the first bedroom he found and locked the door behind him.

Blaine smirks, kissing Kurt sloppily and passionately.

Kurt pulls away for a second. "Wait, So is this like... an experiment thing or is Quinn just a beard? Like.. are you actually gay?" He asks.

Blaine blushes softly. "Yeah, I'm gay. Definitely gay. I only had sex with Quinn once when we first started dating like six months ago and it was awful. I wasn't turned on at all. I couldn't even get hard. But don't tell anyone though. Please."

Kurt runs a hand through Blaine's hair, smirking. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He smiles, kissing Blaine deeply.

They fell back onto the bed, drunkenly fumbling to undo their pants.


They both woke up in the strange bed they fell asleep in.

Blaine looked over at Kurt and then back at his naked body and then down at Kurt's naked body. He moved slightly and pain shot through his ass and that's when he knew that his drunken self had apparently decided to have sex with Kurt last night.

Blaine panicked, trying to find his clothes and slip them on and get out of there as quick as he could, but he wasn't as quiet as he thought because he had woken up Kurt when he hopped out of the bed.

Kurt yawns. "Good morning." He smirks.

Blaine practically flung himself around to look at Kurt. "I-I.. WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING." He yells, buttoning his shirt back up.

Kurt smirks. "Oh, I believe we did. And your limo proves it. But don't worry. Your secret is still safe with me." He smiles softly.

Blaine sighs. "Thank you. I just need to sort some stuff out right now." He says. "I'll see you around." He smiles, leaving the room.

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