Meet The Parents

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//Blaine asked Kurt out a week ago and they went on a couple dates and really liked each other and Kurt wants his dad to meet Blaine to see if he approves of his hopefully new boyfriend. Both boys are still at dalton.//

Trigger warning: talks about breast cancer and child abuse

"Are you sure that's a good outfit? I just don't want him to get a bad-boy impression from you with the red shirt." Kurt says nervously.

Blaine chuckles. "Kurt, parents love me. I'm sweet and nice and responsible-looking." He smiles, sitting down next to Kurt and pecking his cheek. "It'll be okay."

"Are you sure? My dad is very protective over me." Kurt says softly.

Blaine looks into Kurt's eyes, smiling sweetly at him. "It'll be okay, he'll love me." He giggles.

Kurt smirks. "I hope so." He sighs softly.


They arrived at Kurt's house and knocked on the door.

Carole answered, smiling and pulling both boys into a hug. "It's so nice to meet you, Blaine. Kurt has told us so much about you." He says, hugging him tightly.

Blaine giggles softly. "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Hudson-Hummel?" He says, questioning if that's what he should call her.

She chuckles softly. "Just call me Carole, sweetheart." She smiles and steps off to the side to let them into the house.

Kurt holds Blaine's hand and walks into the living room where Burt was sitting in his chair, watching football.

Burt smiles and gets out of the chair to hug the boys. "Hey Kurt! Hey.. Blaine, right?" Burt smiles.

"Yes sir." Blaine smiles and Burt sits back down in his chair, Kurt and Blaine sitting on the couch next to him.

Blaine smiles. "Are you a Bengals or Browns fan?" He asks, gesturing to the football game that was being played on TV involving both teams.

"Browns all the way." Burt smiles. "You like football?" He asks, curiously, because he never really figured gay guys could like football too. He had nothing against it, he just only ever saw gay guys on tv and his own son, and how they all weren't sports fans.

Blaine nods, smiling. "Yes sir. I played up until high school and then quit to pursue more music and acting things because that's really my passion."

Burt nods. "That's pretty cool. So Kurt tells me your the leader of the show choir at dalton?"

"That's right." Blaine smiles proudly. "And Kurt will actually soon be leading them with me." He turns and smiles at Kurt lovingly.

Burt smiles. "Kurt would you mind helping Carole out with dinner?" He says.

Kurt nods and smiles, squeezing Blaine's hand softly and then letting it go, going off to the kitchen to help Carole.

Blaine was a little nervous because even though he felt confident in the fact that Burt liked him, this still decided his future with Kurt.

Burt smiles. "Look, I really like you, kid. I admire how you helped Kurt through the crap he went through at McKinley and how happy he's been since he got to Dalton with you and started hanging out with you. But of course, as his dad, I want to make sure that he's safe with you, make sure that you won't hurt him."

"I wouldn't ever hurt him. He's amazing and beautiful and talented and I'm falling for him, like hard." Blaine blushes softly, worried that he said too much.

Burt smiles, happy that someone loves his son this much. "I honestly was worried that he would never find someone or he was going to end up with someone who was going to hurt him. But I'm happy he found you. You're a good kid, Blaine. I like you so don't do anything dumb to ruin that." He says sternly.

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