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//requested by @Infinite_Janiel.//

Thirteen year old Kurt was laying on his bed, writing in his journal.

He was kicking his legs in the air and he bit the end of his pen as he thought about what to write.

He was writing a list of the qualities of his dream guy.

He smiled as he wrote:

• soft curls that I can run my hands through
• gorgeous eyes that I can get lost in for hours
• beautiful voice so we can sing cute duets
• a laugh that makes me smile every time I hear it
• a smile that makes him light up
• an amazing kisser
• gives warm cuddly hugs
• will take care of me when I'm sick
• not afraid to show his emotions
• a gentleman who will treat me nicely
• and most importantly: someone who will love me and cherish me as much as dad loved and cherished momma.

Kurt closed his journal, smiling as he put it back under his nightstand in his room where he knew no one could find it and he went to sleep.


Three years later, Kurt was seventeen and a junior in high school at Dalton Academy.

He had just gotten there about two weeks ago and he has only made one friend, Blaine Anderson. And damn was Blaine hot.

Kurt was already hardcore crushing on Blaine, the captain of the Warblers acapella group.

Blaine had his audition for the warblers today after school and he was beyond nervous to sing in front of Blaine.

But soon school was over and Kurt wandered over to the practice room to audition.

The boys all said hi to him and Blaine watched proudly as Kurt started to sing his song.

Once he finished, everyone clapped and Blaine stood up, cheering and smiling brightly at Kurt.

Kurt did a small bow and walked over to sit with Blaine.

Blaine whispers to him. "You did amazing, Kurt! You are so talented." He smiles, hugging Kurt tightly.

Kurt smiles and pulls away as Blaine whispers "after practice, hang back till everyone leaves, I want to talk to you."

Kurt nods and smiles, turning back to see the warblers council discussing things about his audition.

Blaine reached over and gently held Kurt's hand, squeezing it softly.

Kurt looked over and smiled at Blaine, finding comfort in Blaine's gentle, sparkling, golden-colored eyes.

Wes hit his gavel against the table to get Kurt's attention.

Kurt broke his gaze and looked at Wes with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

Wes smiles. "You're in, Kurt! We'll start rehearsals in two weeks, after Christmas break. We're happy to have you." He says. "You're all dismissed."

Everyone slowly left but Kurt and Blaine hung back until everyone was gone.

Kurt turns to Blaine and smiles at him, a little worried about what Blaine was going to say.

Blaine looks into Kurt's eyes. "Would you mind taking a walk outside with me for a little bit?" He asks sweetly.

Kurt smiles. "Not at all, let me just go grab a coat from my dorm." He says.

Blaine shakes his head and smiles. "No need, you can wear mine." He says, draping his coat over Kurt's shoulders.

Kurt smiles and gently laces their fingers together as him and Blaine walk outside.

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