Fire Escape

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//okay so I'm not really sure when this is set but  Kurt and Blaine live together in New York and are just boyfriends😂 enjoy!//

At around midnight, Kurt woke up to the sounds of car horns blaring and strong winds whistling by. He turned over to wrap his arms around his boyfriend when he realized that Blaine wasn't there. Kurt looked around the room, seeing if he could spot his boyfriend in the dimly lit room but he saw nothing.

Kurt stood up, wrapping a blanket around himself and walking out of the room. The bathroom light wasn't on so Blaine wasn't in there. The kitchen was empty. But then Kurt saw that the back door was cracked open.

He slowly walked out to the fire escape, gently wrapping his arms and the blanket over Blaine's shoulders. "Baby, what are you doing out here?" Kurt asks softly.

Blaine sighs. "I couldn't sleep." He says, turning around in Kurt's arms so that they were facing each other.

"Do you know why?" Kurt asks, pressing a soft kiss to Blaine's forehead.

Blaine leans into Kurt's touch. "I guess I just have a lot on my mind." He frowns.

"Like what, love?" Kurt questions, sitting down on the floor with Blaine, wrapping them both up in the blanket.

Blaine cuddles into his boyfriends chest. "I'm so scared to audition for nyada. And I need to find a job so I can actually start helping you pay rent and buy groceries and things like that but even though there's a thousand businesses within a block from here, none of them are hiring. There's a million people in this city and it's so damn stressful." Blaine says, tearing up. "I always felt like I belonged here but it's all so overwhelming." He cries into Kurt's chest. He also didn't want to admit it but he missed life back in Lima and he also missed Finn. Blaine took Finn's death really hard because he felt like they never really saw eye to eye until it was too late.

"Blaine, honey, I felt the exact same way when I moved here. Yes, it's chaotic and scary at first but once you find your place, you'll blend into it all, I promise." Kurt smiles softly.

Blaine just nods, sniffling. "That's not everything, is it?" Kurt asks, knowingly.

Blaine shakes his head, crying harder into Kurt's chest. "It's Finn, isn't it?" Kurt asks again.

Blaine nods, wrapping his arms around Kurt. He didn't want to bring it back up cause he knew Kurt had a really hard time getting over it.

Kurt held Blaine tighter, rubbing his back. "I know baby, I know. We all miss him. And I know you don't think you guys really got along until recently but he always liked you. He wouldn't have let you come near me if he didn't like you." Kurt says softly, pressing gentle kisses to Blaine's temple.

"B-But after that whole cheating thing happened, he never treated me the same." Blaine cried. "He hates me and I just wish I could take it all back. Everything. The cheating, the breakup, the time I spent hating myself after it all happened, the pain I caused you." He sobs.

"Blainey, that was almost a year ago, you need to stop beating yourself up over it. I know you feel bad but I've forgiven you and everyone else has too. Even Finn." Kurt whispers into Blaine's ear. "Come inside, beautiful. I don't want you to catch a cold out here." He says, standing up and walking with Blaine back to the bed.

They lay down and Kurt pulls Blaine into his chest. "Can I kiss it better?" Kurt asks, smiling.

Blaine giggles softly. "I certainly wouldn't mind you trying." He whispers back, kissing Kurt softly.

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