The Pain

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//okay people so this is going to be quite angsty. I'm sorry if this isn't accurate because I personally haven't dealt with this kind of thing but hopefully it turns out good. Also Blaine goes to Dalton and Kurt goes to McKinley. I have no idea when this is set😂 it kind of just blends all of season 2 together. Although Blaine and Kurt are dating, they are in the beginning of their relationship.//

Trigger warning:
Mentions of self harm

Kurt walks into the choir room, sitting in his usual chair in the back row, hoping no one would notice him because after his last altercation with Karofsky, he had a black eye.

Finn knew about the injury because he had helped Kurt ice it when he got home because Finn had gotten a few black eyes from football so he knew what to do.

But apparently Finn had told Rachel, who had told Mercedes, who had told Santana and the news spread from there.

So naturally, everyone who walked into the choir room, asked Kurt if he was okay. To which Kurt responded yes and left it at that.

"Okay guys so this weeks assignment is......" Mr. Schue announces, writing on the board. "Acceptance!"

"What the hell does that mean?" Puck asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, Puckerman, you will each be picking something you want to accept about yourself, you will sing a solo about it and then at the end of the week, we will all be performing a song while wearing a T-shirt that's flaunting the thing you will then be accepting about." William smiles, proud of his idea.

"Well what if I'm already perfect?" Santana sasses, looking at her nails.

"Trust me, deep down you all have something that you're insecure about." The teacher says. "Okay, get to work thinking about what you're going to do."

Once glee club was over, Kurt walked out of the room, toying with the hem of his sleeve when he felt two strong hands shove him into the lockers.

Kurt didn't see him but he knew who did it.


He has been tormenting Kurt for as long as Kurt could remember. Yet no one seems to do anything about it. He's gotten his arm, ankle and a few ribs broken, two black eyes, and he constantly has bruises all over himself. Which thankfully is why people think he wears long sleeves and long pants all of the time.

Kurt walked as quickly as he could back to his car, getting in it and crying softly as he drove home. He was so sick and tired of the way he was treated.

He walked into his bathroom and got undressed to take a shower because he felt the far too familiar feeling of blood on his back from being cut on the lockers.

Kurt got out of the shower, walking out to his room and sitting on his bed. He looked down at his legs and traced the scars there. On his left leg, there was an older scar from where he had carved the word 'fag' into the inside of his thigh. There were various scratches all over the rest of that thigh and the other thigh had a few words in it. 'Useless' 'unloved' and 'selfish' were the three there.

His wrists didn't have any words, just long lines of new and old cuts running up and down both forearms.

Kurt felt tears running down his cheeks as he looked down at his legs. He was so massively ashamed of what he had done to himself but something in the back fo his head had told him that he deserved it.

And he used to believe that. Until he met Blaine.

Kurt was looking for a reason to stop doing this to himself and Blaine was his reason. He told himself that if he cut, he wouldn't see Blaine for a week. And since him and Blaine saw each other pretty much every weekend, that encouraged Kurt to stop cutting as much.

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