Kurt's Secret

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Kurt was in class when he got a notification on his phone that his package had gotten delivered, so once class was over, he ran back to the apartment to hide the box in his closet before anyone got home because he knew that all of his roommates in that apartment, Santana, Rachel, Quinn, Brittany and Blaine, never looked at the name on the box before opening it.

He hid the box under some clothes and then ran back to go to his next class.


Kurt had gotten out of his last class at four and he had to go to Vogue.com so he didn't end up getting home until eight.

He walked in and everyone was sitting in the living room. Brittany and Santana were cuddled up together on the couch, Rachel was in the arm chair and Blaine and Quinn were both on the floor, sitting on pillows and they were all eating Chinese takeout.

Kurt walked over and sits on the couch next to Brittany and Santana.

Rachel smiles. "Hey Kurt, we got you your usual." She says and hands him the food.

"Thanks, Rach." Kurt smiles, eating his food and kind of keeping silent. Everything has been pretty awkward since him and Blaine had broke up a few weeks ago. They were both pretty quiet around each other now, but that didn't keep the girls from chatting away.

Kurt got up to go throw his trash away. "Okay, I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight guys." He smiles, going off of his room to sleep. After they broke up, Blaine decided to be the bigger man and he let Kurt keep their room, so Blaine was currently sleeping on the couch while everyone else got a room.

Kurt walked into his room and shut the door, getting his package out and opening it.

Yes, he knew he was absolutely insane and kinda creepy for buying it but he had to. He was lonely. And no, it's not a sex toy. It's a boyfriend pillow.

Kurt took it out of all the packaging and cuddled up in bed with it. It definitely wasn't as good as Blaine, or even close. But it made him feel safer.


A few hours later, everyone was asleep except for Blaine, who couldn't fall asleep because he was freezing in the living room because everyone took the blankets to bed with them, leaving him with nothing. So he decided to try to sneak into Kurt's room to get a blanket.

He quietly opened the door and his eyes went to the bed to try to find a blanket but when he saw an arm, his jaw dropped. There's no way Kurt would have snuck a guy in here.

He goes closer and realizes that it was a pillow and he gasps softly.

Kurt's eyes fluttered open and he jumped when he saw a man standing over him. "What the hell?!" He says, hopping up and scooting away on the bed, until he finally recognized that it was Blaine. "What the fuck are you doing? Are you just watching me sleep?!" Kurt asks angrily. He wasn't in the best mood considering that he was woken up and was being stared at by his ex boyfriend while he was cuddling a pillow that was an attempt to replace him.

"No, no! I wasn't staring at you. I mean, in a way I guess I was. But I didn't mean to! I just came in to get a blanket because there aren't any out there and it's freezing in the living room and I got kinda freaked out cause I though that pillow was another person and- wait. Is that pillow wearing my shirt? I've been looking for that shirt for the past two weeks!" Blaine says.

"Uhhhh... okay.... we're just gonna forget about this. It never happened. Okay? You forget about my pillow and I forget about you watching me while I sleep?" Kurt raises an eyebrow.

"Okay first off: I wasn't watching you sleep. Second off: can I please just have a blanket. It's freezing in the living room." Blaine sighs.

Kurt sighs. "Just sleep in here. Don't act like that dumb couch isn't hurting your back." He says, scooting over so Blaine could lay down.

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