After the Show

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//This is going to get slightly smutty so if you don't like that kind of thing just skip to the end because it will end with cute cuddling and fluff.//

"You know, Artie is having this after party at breadsticks. Would you... accompany me?" Blaine smiles, looking bashfully at his boyfriend as they stood on the auditorium stage after opening night of West Side Story.

"No." Kurt says. Blaine flashed him a confused look before Kurt continued. "I want to go to your house." Kurt smirked at the slightly shorter boy.

"O-Okay.." Blaine says, in awe of how hot Kurt was when he said that.

Kurt pulled his boyfriend into a passionate and heated kiss, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

Blaine returned the kiss, gently grabbing Kurt's hips to bring him closer.

"W-We should go because if we do any more up here than that's all I'm going to think about while I'm doing the show tomorrow and I'm going to pop a boner right there on stage." Blaine giggles, taking Kurt's hand and leading Kurt to his car.

Blaine quickly drove home, slamming on the gas every time Kurt would touch his thigh or graze his hand over Blaine's crotch.

They got out of the car walking up to the door, gently stumbling inside because as soon as Blaine unlocked the door, Kurt kissed him deeply, pushing them both inside.

Blaine pulled away for a second to make sure no one was home and luckily they were all alone.

"Come on." Kurt whispers into Blaine's ear, which causes the curly headed boy to pull his boyfriend back to his room.

Blaine locked the door, pushing Kurt against it and kissing him roughly, holding Kurt's hands.

Kurt pulls away, pushing off the door and walking with his boyfriend over to Blaine's bed. Blaine leaned against the footboard of his bed, letting Kurt lean up against him.

"Are you sure about this? We can stop at any time. I don't want you to be uncomfortable. I want you to enjoy this." Blaine says softly, giving Kurt a gentle smile.

"I'm sure." Kurt smiles back at him. "Are you sure?"

Blaine giggles, nodding rapidly. "I'm sure." he smirks, kissing Kurt again.

Kurt gently undid Blaine's belt, pulling it off of him as they made out. It was a little messy because it was filled with lust and neither of them had experienced that before, but to them it was perfect.

They fell onto the bed and Blaine pulled away so he could take his shirt off and Kurt did the same. Blaine slipped Kurt's pants off and then his own, leaving them in their underwear.

They had made out shirtless before but that was there it ended because neither of them wanted to go further just yet so it would end in awkwardly long trips to the bathroom or cold showers, but this time they didn't have to do that.

Blaine gently slipped off his boxers along with Kurt's. "Are you still okay?" Blaine whispers.

Kurt nods, gently grinding on Blaine, desperate for some sort of friction.

Blaine moans, sloppily kissing down Kurt's neck. "Take your time baby.." Blaine smirks, steadying Kurt's hips.

Kurt whines, but it soon turned to a moan when Blaine started gently tugging on his nipple with his teeth.

"Oh my god, Blaine." Kurt moaned, running his hand through Blaine's hair.

Blaine stopped, kissing a trail down Kurt's stomach, and once he reached his cock, let's just say that Kurt saw stars.


Kurt placed lazy kisses to Blaine's upper chest as they cuddled, both too tired and blissed to move.

"I love you." Blaine whispers, kissing the top of Kurt's head, their legs intertwined together and their arms wrapped around each other.

"I love you too. So much." Kurt smiles softly, leaning up and gently kissing Blaine's lips.

Blaine kisses him back, pulling away to scoot down and bury his head in Kurt's neck, yawning loudly.

"You sleepy?" Kurt giggles.

"A little bit." Blaine chuckles, cuddling into Kurt's side. "We should shower before you crash." Kurt suggests, getting up with Blaine.


It was Saturday but the boys had a show at eleven am so they had to be at school at nine.

Kurt woke up at eight, gently kissing Blaine to wake him up. "Good morning babe, we need to get up and get ready soon." Kurt coos softly.

Blaine yawned, pulling Kurt closer to him. "Not yet." He tried to say, but his throat burned like hell when he tried to speak. "Oh fuck." Blaine groaned, which just caused it to hurt more.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asks, tilting his head as he pushed the curls out of Blaine's face.

"My throat." Blaine said quietly. "It burns."

"Wait you don't think it was because of..." Kurt starts, worriedly. "Oh shit that's totally it." Blaine says, looking at Kurt worriedly.

"How the hell am I supposed to explain to Artie and Ms. Pillsbury and Mr. Schue 'sorry, i can't perform in the show today because I sucked my boyfriend's dick last night and ruined my throat?" Blaine groans, falling back into his pillows, covering his face with his hands. "They're gonna kill me! I mean, how was I supposed to know this would happen?" Blaine whispers.

Kurt couldn't help but giggle a bit, moving Blaine's hands off his face. "I'll go make you some tea and maybe it'll help enough to get you to be able to perform." He smiles, gently kissing Blaine's nose, leaving the room to go make his boyfriend some hot tea.


"Hey Artie can I talk to you in private for a second?" Kurt asks quietly.

"Of course." Artie says, wheeling with Kurt to a side of the stage that no one was on. "What's up?" Artie asks, smiling at Kurt.

"Well... we have a bit of a situation." Kurt blushes, toying with his hands.

"Whats wrong?" Artie questions, mildly concerned.

"Um... so basically Blaine's throat hurts and he can't perform at the matinee show but he'll be fine by the show tonight." Kurt explains.

"Wait... if he's sick should he really be performing tonight? As much as I want him to perform, I don't want him to damage his voice by singing when he's sick. Do you know if it's just allergies?" Artie asks.

"He's not sick. But you don't need the details. He'll be fine by tonight's show. I'm forcing him to drink lots of hot tea and stay on vocal rest." Kurt smiles softly.

"I'm your director, I think I need to know the details." Artie sasses.

"If you insist." Kurt chuckles, figuring he had literally nothing to lose by telling Artie what really happened. "He sucked my dick last night and now his through hurts. We didn't know it would affect his singing. But he'll be back tonight." Kurt says, leaving before Artie could say something and make it awkward.

Oh my god what am I gonna tell Schue?" Artie whispers to himself.

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