Messy High School Relationships

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//Okay welcome back guys, this plot is an interesting one. Basically, Kurt and Sam are dating but Sam is in the closet so they have to keep their relationship behind the scenes, but what happens when the new bad boy Blaine Anderson comes to town?//

Kurt was sitting at a table at Breadstix, twirling his straw between his fingers because he had been waiting for Sam for almost an hour for their 'date'.

"Sam, you were supposed to be here 45 minutes ago!" Kurt rolls his eyes. Sam may be cute but he was exhausting most of the time.

Sam sat down at the table. "I am so sorry, it took me like 30 minutes to convince my parents to let me come and that it wasn't suspicious that I was going out to dinner with just one guy." he says, slightly out of breath since he was rushing to get there.

Kurt smiles sympathetically, understanding Sam's problem but still being a little upset because he just wanted his boyfriend to be fully committed to their relationship and he really couldn't be.

"So, have you ordered anything yet?" Sam asks, reaching to hold Kurt's hand under the table.

"No, I was waiting for you." Kurt says, gently lacing their fingers together.


"This is the third time this week that you've been massively late for meeting me, Sam." Kurt says, obviously very annoyed, slamming his locker and walking away.

Kurt walked for a minute and was too deep in his own thoughts that he smacked into someone in the hallways.

"I am so sor.." Kurt stops dead in his tracks when he sees how stunning the guy he bumped into was.

As Blaine was standing up, Kurt's eyes traveled down Blaine's body. He was blown away by how hot Blaine looked wearing a leather jacket, a white V-neck and red skinny jeans that really left nothing to the imagination.

"Like what you see?" Blaine smirks.

Kurt shook his head to pull himself out of his trance and just as he was about to respond, he saw Blaine's eyes travel down his body as well. Suddenly Kurt was very self conscious of the way he looked.

"I definitely like what I see." The curly haired boy winks.

All of a sudden, in storms Sam, shoving Blaine away from Kurt. "He doesn't want you, get away from him." Sam yells, pushing Blaine away.

"And how exactly do you know that? Are you his boyfriend or something?" Blaine raises an eyebrow.

"Uh... No. No, of course not, I'm straight." Sam stumbles out. "I just know that he doesn't like being seen as an object like you so clearly we're viewing him as." Sam says, going to pull Kurt away from the new kid.

Kurt shoved Sam's hand off of his arm. "You don't control me." he sasses, really pissed at how quickly Sam denied being his boyfriend.

Sam looked at him, confusedly. "You mean to tell me you want this guy looking over you like you're a piece of meat?!"

"Maybe I do. You know, it feels great to be shown affection and attention in public. You should maybe try it out sometime." Kurt says angrily, on the verge of tears.

Sam just rolled his eyes and left. Kurt broke down crying after Sam left. Blaine led Kurt to the bathroom to help him calm down.

Kurt leaned up against the sink and Blaine checked to make sure no one else was in there and then he locked the door so no one could burst in. He grabs some toilet paper and gives it to Kurt so he could wipe his tears.

"So I'm assuming he's your boyfriend?" Blaine says softly, gently rubbing Kurt's back.

"Y-Yeah. He is. But he's still in the closet so it's just frustrating at times." Kurt frowns. "I'm tired of not being able to say that I have a boyfriend. I want someone who can hold my hand and kiss me in public." he cries softly. "I think I'm going to break up with him? Is that too cruel? I mean, he can't help it if he's too scared to come out because I know the feeling and you know the feeling."

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