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//by the way, if y'all have any more ideas for one shots, just comment them whenever, i read all the comments so I'll see it, wherever you comment it👍🏼 also, this one shot is literally 3000 words long so get some popcorn and some tissues and prepare for a wild ride//

Kurt was headed to his parents house for thanksgiving. He heard his phone buzz and checked it. It was Blaine texting him to be safe on his drive and that he couldn't wait to see him.

As soon as Kurt looked up, he noticed he had drifted into the lane of cars going the opposite direction. He tried to pull back into his lane but he got slammed into by a car that wasn't paying much attention either.

Everything went black.


Blaine was getting ready to go to Kurt's house for thanksgiving with his parents when he got a call from Finn.

He worriedly answered the phone because Finn never called him so he knew something was up. "Hello, Finn." Blaine says softly.

"Blaine, come to the hospital. Kurt g-got hit and it's not good." Finn says worriedly.

Blaine didn't have time for questions. "Of course, I'll be there in a few minutes." He says. He grabs a bag and shoved some clothes in there and then a few things for Kurt and got his shoes on and ran out the door, without even informing him parents on what was happening.

Blaine raced to the hospital, practically running every red light and almost every stop sign.

He parked his car and ran inside and to the front desk.

"I'm here for Kurt Hummel." Blaine says, he was a wreck because he just wanted to know what was happening and he wanted to get up to Kurt's room quickly.

"and who are you?" The front desk lady asked.

"I'm Blaine Anderson, his boyfriend. Please, please just tell me what room he is in." He begs.

"Third floor, room 306." She says, giving him a sticker to put on his shirt that said he was a visitor.

He stuck the sticker on and bolted to the elevator. It felt like forever before he was on the third floor.

He frantically ran down the hallway to Kurt's room. He took a deep breath before opening the door to peek inside.

Burt, Carole, Finn, and a couple nurses were in the room but all Blaine's eyes could focus on was Kurt.

He just burst into tears when he saw Kurt. His beautiful face was all bloody and scratched and bruised. His body was practically covered in black and blue bruises and big red scrapes. But scariest of all, he was completely pale and almost lifeless.

Blaine felt sick. He hated seeing Kurt like this. It hurt him.

Burt walked up "come on, son. Let's go out into the hall." He says, grabbing Blaine's shoulders and leading him out into the hall.

Blaine collapsed into a chair in the hallway and Burt sat down next to him, rubbing his back.

Burt frowns "please Blaine, we're all hanging on by a thread. Please be strong for us, and most importantly, for Kurt. He would feel awful seeing you like this, you know that. Hell, you know more about the kid than the rest of us all combined." Burt says softly. "Do you want to hear what's going on?" He asks gently.

Blaine nods and wipes his eyes, trying to pull himself together. "Yes please."

Burt sighs, resting his hand on Blaine's shoulder. "The police believe that he may have been texting someone, but he swerved into the lane of oncoming cars and he got hit before he could pull back over into his lane. He's in a coma right now and he has a few cuts and bruises on the outside of his body but thankfully nothing inside was damaged so he doesn't need surgery or anything. We just have to wait out this coma, however long it may last." Burt says. Blaine could tell that Burt was on the brink of breaking down and that meant a lot because Burt was the strongest man Blaine knew.

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