They Were There

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//requested by @fljohns. Btw this will have a lot of time skips and I'll say how long it's skipped after every one👍🏼 some things are in italics and that just means it's just explaining what's gonna happen and then the normal text is showing how it happened//

Kurt and Blaine had pretty much been best friends since they were born. They were next door neighbors so they grew up together.

Not a day went by where they weren't at each other's houses or outside playing.

That being said, Blaine was there when Kurt cried going to their first day of kindergarten.

"Kurt, I need to leave, buddy." Burt frowns as his son was clinging onto him, begging him not to leave.

Blaine frowned and ran over to Kurt, hugging him tightly. "Don't worry Kurtie! I'll be here with you all day! We can play together! I brought my markers!" He says happily.

Kurt pulled away from his dad and wiped his tears away with the back of his hand, sniffling. "Really?" He asked hopefully.

Blaine nods, smiling. "Yeah! Come on, let's go!" He giggles, pulling a now happy Kurt over to a bean bag chair where they sat and drew with Blaine's markers.

Burt smiled at the boys as he left.


Kurt was also there when Blaine broke his arm from falling down the stairs, two years later, when they were in second grade.

Blaine and Kurt had gotten up from their Harry Potter movie marathon to run downstairs to get a snack.

Blaine quite literally ran down the stairs, tripping over his own feet and then rolling down the entire staircase.

Kurt ran down after Blaine, since he was behind him. He fell to Blaine's side. "Blaine?! Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

Blaine cried as he tried to move and pain shot through his arm. He shook his head and Kurt ran to get Mrs. Anderson.

She drove Blaine and Kurt to the hospital because Kurt insisted on coming to make sure Blaine was okay.


Blaine was there when he found Kurt crying after getting bullied for the first time in fourth grade.

Blaine had run all over school and he couldn't find Kurt.

Blaine lastly checked the bathroom and sure enough, there he was, crying on the floor.

Blaine ran over and sat next to him, pulling Kurt into his arms.

Kurt cried into Blaine's chest. "T-they called me gay and said I looked like a little girl." He frowns.

Blaine just hugged Kurt. "I'll take care of those idiots. But are you alright? They didn't hurt you or anything, right?" He asks, worriedly.

Kurt shakes his head. "No, they didn't hurt me. They just yelled mean things at me." He frowns.

Blaine could tell that this was a whole new side of Kurt that he had never seen before. Kurt seemed pretty shaken up by this. He just rubbed Kurt's back and hugged him.

After a while, Kurt finally calmed down. "Thank you for staying with me." He smiles at Blaine.

Blaine smiles back. "Of course, Kurt. You're my best friend. How could I ever just leave you like this?"

Kurt smiles, standing up and wiping away his tears.


Kurt was there when Blaine auditioned for his first musical in eighth grade.

Blaine and Kurt walked to the theatre room to wait for Blaine's audition. He was auditioning for Prince Eric in The Little Mermaid and he was extremely nervous.

Kurt giggles softly and Blaine's crazy faces. "You're going to do amazing, Blainey. Just take a deep breath, say your lines, then sing your song and then you're out of there. Don't overthink it. I know you overthink everything but just don't overthink this. Because when you overthink, you stress yourself out even more and then you'll end up messing up. But I know you've got this down, we've practiced it a billion times." Kurt smiles.

Blaine smiles back at him. "Thank you. You know me so well." He chuckles and then turns around to hear his name being called for his turn to audition.

Blaine hugs Kurt who wished him good luck as he runs off into the room.

Kurt waited for the little bit that Blaine was in there and Blaine ran out excitedly. "I got the part!! They said I was the best Eric they had seen and they want me!" Blaine giggles excitedly, hugging Kurt tightly.

Kurt pulls away and squeals. "I'm so proud of you, Blaine!!"


Blaine was there in freshman year of high school when Kurt had decided to come out to him.

They were sitting on Blaine's bed, watching The Sound of Music when Kurt sat up and turned to Blaine.

"I can tell you anything, right?" Kurt asks softly. "Like, anything at all, right?"

Blaine sits up and nods, smiling at him. "Of course you can! What do you want to tell me?" He asks sweetly.

Kurt takes a deep breath. "Well.. recently I've really been thinking about it, and when I kissed Brittany a little while back, I felt absolutely nothing." He says softly as Blaine listens intently.

"And ever since then, all I've been able to think about is what it's like to kiss a boy. Because I think I'd rather be kissing boys than girls." Kurt says warily, scared of losing his best friend.

Blaine hugs Kurt tightly and smiles. "I've kind of been feeling the same way after I kissed Rachel."

Kurt blushes and smiles.'"Really?" He giggles softly.

Blaine nods and blushes as well. "Yeah, I think I might be gay..."

Kurt giggles softly. "I think I am too!"

Blaine blushes. "Do you want to maybe kiss and see how it feels?" He asks quietly.

Kurt nods and blushes. "Y-Yeah. Sure!" He smiles brightly.

They stood up and leaned in, kissing each other softly.

Blaine went to kiss him and little deeper, to which Kurt happily responded to.

They pulled away, blushing and slightly out of breath.

Blaine giggles softly and smiles. "T-that was really good. Yeah, I definitely like guys."

Kurt giggles. "Yeah, me too." He smiles.


Kurt was there when Blaine asked him to homecoming sophomore year.

Kurt was walking through the hallways, going to second period, when he suddenly heard his best friend singing from somewhere in the hallway.

Kurt quickly saw Blaine as he walked towards Kurt, playing the guitar and singing teenage dream to him.

As Blaine sang the last 'tonight', he handed Kurt a rose from his back pocket. "Kurt Hummel, will you go to homecoming with me?" He asks hopefully.

Kurt nods, tearing up, leaning in and kissing him softly, right there in front of the whole school.

Blaine pulls away, giggling. "Wait.. really?!? You know I meant as like a date, not just as friends, right?" He asks.

Kurt giggles, nodding. "Yes, I know exactly what you meant and I still say yes." He smiles, hugging Blaine tightly, not really believing how his best friend is now his dare to homecoming.

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