Missed Party

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//The warblers throw a crazy new year's eve party but Kurt is too sick to go.//

"Babe are you sure you're okay with me going? I don't want to leave you here alone." Blaine frowns softly.

Kurt motions for Blaine to come over to him. Kurt had a cold so he wouldn't be attending the Warblers annual New Year's Eve party this year, but Blaine was going because Kurt insisted he went.

Blaine came over to Kurt and sat next to him in bed.

Kurt reached up and cupped Blaine's cheek in his hand, kissing him lovingly. "I'll be here when you get back." he smiles onto Blaine's lips.

"I'll be back up here before midnight because I still want you to be my midnight kiss." Blaine smiles, getting up from the bed. "I'll be right downstairs if you need me, love."

"Thank you baby, have fun!" Kurt smiles and waves goodbye to him from the bed.


Blaine stumbled back up to their dorm at eleven thirty to find Kurt peacefully asleep in bed.

"Hey baby, I'm back." Blaine whispers, sitting next to Kurt.

Kurt's eyes fluttered open and he smiled softly. "How was the party?" he asks through a yawn.

"Boring." Blaine giggles. "But I had this cool drink though. Wes made it. It had like cherries and stuff in it."

Kurt giggles at his boyfriends adorable drunken enthusiasm. He checks his phone and sees that it was 11:50. "So I didn't miss much at the party?"

"Not really. David danced shirtless on the table, Nick and Jeff were practically banging in the corner. You know, just normal warbler things." Blaine chuckles.

Kurt cuddles into Blaine's chest. Tipsy Blaine was always fun to cuddle with cause he was even more loving and affectionate than regular Blaine. "We have five minutes and then we can kiss and then both sleep until however late tomorrow because we're on break!" Kurt says excitedly.

"We're not on a break, silly. We're still together!" Blaine giggles. "If we were on a break I think we would be sleeping in different beds." he points out.

Kurt smiles. "My goodness, you are so cute when you're confused." he laughs.

Blaine checks his phone. "One minute!" he squeals excitedly.

Once the boys saw the time change on Blaine's phone from 11:59 to 12:00, they crashed their lips together, kissing lovingly.

"You are such a fantastic boyfriend. I love you so much." Kurt smiles.

Blaine giggles, blushing softly. "I love you more, Kurtie."he smiles, laying his head down on Kurt's chest. "Goodnight baby."

Kurt and Blaine both fell asleep within a matter of minutes and they happened to sleep until three the next day.

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