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Kurt woke up Friday morning on the 27th of May, at 7:00. School didn't start until 9:00 but it took Kurt two hours to get ready.

Today was a special day. It was Kurt Hummel's seventeenth birthday. He turned over and checked his phone. He had two birthday texts so far, one from his dad and one from Mercedes. But, not one from the person he had hoped.

Kurt got up, happy that Wes, his roommate, had gone out to go to morning tutoring so he had the dorm to himself.

He went to go shower and then did his hair and his skin routine and then he got dressed.

It was 8:30 when he finally got ready and he got a text from Blaine, which he quickly opened.

From: Blaine💖:
[are you ready to walk to first period together?]

Kurt sighs, sad that it wasn't about his birthday.

From: Kurt

Blaine started walking to Kurt's dorm which is just down the hall and he got there in just a few seconds.

Kurt wiped the small tears that had escaped his eyes and he opened the door, smiling and softly kissing his boyfriend.

Blaine smiles "guess what today is?!" He says excitedly.

Kurt blushes "what's today?" He says, playing dumb.

Blaine giggles "it's movie day in chemistry so we don't have to learn. We can just sit and cuddle in the back of class while we watch a movie!" He smiles.

Kurt looks down, playing with his hands. "Oh, yeah. I forgot about that." He says sadly.

Blaine frowns "what's wrong, baby?" He asks softly, reaching out to hold Kurt's hand.

Kurt just kinda loosely holds Blaine's hand "nothing, I'm just a little tired." He smiles sadly.

"well you can take a nap this period." Blaine smiles, kissing the back of Kurt's hand.

Kurt nods and walks into their class.

They go through their class and then split off to go to their separate second, third and fourth period classes.

After fourth period, they met up for fifth period and then went to that class together, which was their last class of the day.

Once class was over, Kurt stood up and grabbed his bag "I'm gonna head to my locker." He says, walking out of the room and towards his locker.

Blaine smiles and follows Kurt. Kurt opens his locker and a little card falls out.

He picks it up and reads it. "Kurt Hummel, I know I'm not the most romantic boyfriend in the world, but I believe you will think differently after this day is over. I'm sending you on a special birthday scavenger hunt. Good luck and I can't wait for you to see what's at the end." Kurt reads aloud, smiling brightly.

Kurt throws his arms around Blaine's neck, hugging him tightly, crying softly out of joy.

Blaine smiles "you didn't think I'd forget your birthday, did you?" He smirks.

Kurt hits Blaine on the arm and giggles "come on, you big dork."

Blaine chuckles "hold your horses baby, you don't even know where you're going. Flip the card over." He laughs.

Kurt flips the card over. "Through our many travels to and from Lima, Dalton and that one gay bar, go find your next clue on the hood of your car." He reads.

Kurt giggles, putting his bag in his locker and closing it, grabbing Blaine's hand and pulling him out to his car. On the hood of the car, there was a note.

Kurt picked up the note once they got there and read it excitedly. "Hop in and get to driving, because I've been conniving a big treat for you. Follow the address to go somewhere new, maybe there, you will find your next clue." He giggles.

Blaine smiles, getting in the car and then typing the address into his gps.

Kurt starts driving with Blaine's directions. They ended up at a playground. Kurt was confused but he got out and Blaine followed him.

Kurt looked around for the note and finally found it taped to the swings. He pulled it off and read it "I often imagine the rest of my life with you, how our kids will enjoy things old and new. Whether they'll inherit your gorgeous eyes or my crazy hair, all I know is that I can't wait to be there (with you)." Kurt reads, tearing up.

Blaine hugs him. "So where do you think the next one could be?" He smiles.

Kurt tilts his head. "Hmm... something to do with kids I'm assuming?" He giggles.

"Not necessarily, but kind of. Where did we first talk about this kind of thing?" Blaine smiles, holding Kurt's hand.

Kurt thinks for a second. "My house." He smiles.

Blaine nods and smiles. "Well what are you waiting for, get in the car!" He giggles.

They both hop into the car and Kurt drives to his house.

They got out and walked inside.

Burt smiles "well there you finally are! That took forever!" He chuckles.

Kurt giggles "I'll talk in a minute, dad! Right now I have to find this card!" He says excitedly.

Blaine chuckles, following Kurt around the house. "Babe, check your room." He smiles.

Kurt runs upstairs with Blaine following closely behind him.

He opens his bedroom door and looks inside to find a box of chocolates and some yellow and red flowers on his nightstand with the next note.

"for our last adventure, I'm taking you somewhere, pack your bags, we're going to Times Square!" Kurt read, practically screaming when he read the last words.

Kurt threw himself into Blaine's arms, sobbing happily. "You are the best boyfriend in the world."

Blaine smiles, rubbing Kurt's back and kissing him forehead. "No, that's you, my love." He giggles adorably.

Kurt kisses him deeply, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt's waist, pulling him body closer but pulling his head away so he could look into Kurt's gorgeous eyes. "Happy birthday, baby." Blaine says softly before Kurt's lips come crashing back onto his.

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