Getting Caught

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//Blaine and Kurt keep trying to have their first time but they keep getting stopped before they can actually do it. Hope you like it!//

Blaine and Kurt were cuddling in the choir room after glee club had ended because Blaine didn't want to go home so he was stalling.

"Do you think your dad would mind if I spent the night?" Blaine smiles, pecking Kurt's lips.

"Well since he's in Washington DC with Carole at the moment, he won't know and if he doesn't know then he can't care." Kurt giggles.

Blaine smirks. "Good point. But also he'll kill me if he finds out we were at the house alone." He says, a little worried cause he was kinda terrified of Burt.

"He won't kill you. And he won't find out." Kurt smiles, kissing Blaine softly. "I promise."

Blaine nods, cuddling into Kurt's chest. "Okay." He sighs but then starts smiling again. "Maybe we can finally have our first time tonight?" He blushes. "It seems like the perfect time. The house all to ourselves and everything..." He trails off.

Kurt giggles. "Well Finn is gonna be home."

"Well make Rachel invite him over or something." Blaine chuckles, kissing Kurt lovingly. "We've been wanting to do this for so long and now is the perfect time." He whispers against Kurt's lips.

Kurt blushes and smiles, kissing Blaine back. "I guess I can work something out." He smirks.

Blaine giggles, kissing Kurt deeper and then pulling away. "We should go then." He smiles.


They boys practically ran into the house, giggling and kissing each other as the fumbled down the stairs to try to get to Kurt's room.

They fell onto the bed, Blaine cupping Kurt's cheeks and kissing all over his face and neck.

Kurt giggled and wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist, gently running his hands under Blaine's shirt.

Blaine moans softly, pulling his shirt off so that Kurt could have more access to his chest.

Kurt smiles and kisses Blaine's neck messily, leaving tiny red marks on Blaine's tanned skin.

Then Kurt's phone rang. Kurt rolls his eyes and sighs, checking who it was. His eyes widened and he went to press answer.

"Hey dad." Kurt smiles, trying to sound normal, making it seem like nothing was happening. "Yeah, we're doing great. I've made dinner for Finn and I every night except for once when he convinced me to order pizza and I was really tired so I said yes." Kurt says. "Alright, Goodnight I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." He says and hangs up, flopping down against the bed, sighing loudly.

Blaine chuckles, straddling Kurt Who was laying down now, going to kiss his neck again.

Kurt held his hand up, signaling Blaine to stop. "Babe, nothing could ruin the moment more than my dad calling me and talking to me about my stepbrother and stepmom." He raises an eyebrow. "It just wasn't meant to happen tonight. But it will happen someday." He smiles, pecking Blaine's lips.

Blaine smiles slightly. "Okay well I'm gonna go take a shower now." He says, getting up.

"A cold one, I'm assuming?" Kurt smirks.

"I need to give myself frostbite to get rid of this boner." Blaine chuckles, walking to the bathroom.


(Three days later)

Blaine and Kurt walk into the party the warblers were throwing.

Even though the boys didn't go to Dalton anymore, they still stayed friends with them all and so Wes invited them to his party.

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