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//Sorry I have been gone so long but I'm on summer break now so hopefully I can start writing more soon. Anywho, here's a cute fluffy happy little one shot about Kurt and Blaine's wedding. It may be a little short but I'll try my best. By the way, Burt's speech is by Louis De Bernieres. I saw it and thought it was gorgeous so I incorporated it into the story.//

"Sam I cant go out there." Blaine says, sitting down on the couch and running his hands nervously through his hair.

Sam paces around the room where Blaine was getting ready, thinking of what to do because Blaine was freaking out. He finally sits down next to Blaine and places his hand on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine looks up at him, on the verge of tears. "What if this isn't right and I'm ruining Kurt's life? What if he realizes he's still holding a grudge against me for the whole thing I did senior year?" He asks and then tears start rolling down his cheeks. "What if he realizes he wants more than me? What if I'm not enough and he gets tired of me and-"

"Blaine, stop it. I swear, if you could look at the way Kurt's face lights up when you walk into a room. Or even when someone mentions your name. He's been in love with you since you guys were sixteen. Do you realize how long that is? Love like that is so hard to find." Sam says softly.

Blaine sniffles, getting up and going over to the mirror to fix his hair and wipe his tears away.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you this but... Mercedes texted me a little bit ago and said Kurt was doing this same thing." Sam chuckles softly. "You two are made for each other."

Blaine turns around and smiles. "Really? I have to go see him." He says, walking towards the door.

Sam stops him. "Oh no. He would be pissed. You know how seriously he's taking the whole 'can't see each other before the wedding' thing." He chuckles. "But there's no rule that you can't call each other." He smirks.

"Sam, you're a genius." Blaine smiles and Sam grabs his phone and calls Mercedes, knowing Kurt's phone would go unanswered.

"Hey, uh so you know that thing I wasn't supposed to tell Blaine? Well I told Blaine." Sam says nervously.

Blaine heard Mercedes yelling on the other line and he laughs, taking Sam's phone. "Hey Mercedes. Don't be mad at Sam, it made me feel better. Speaking of which, can I please talking to Kurt?"

Blaine's smile brightens as he hears Kurt's voice come through the speakers. "Hey baby." Kurt smiles.

"Hi love, so I heard we were having the same thoughts." Blaine says teasingly.

"Yeah I was really worried but I'm excited now. I've gotten dressed and I'm ready to go. Are you alright?" Kurt asks sweetly.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm excited to see you, handsome." Blaine blushes.

"Well you can't do that from your room." Kurt giggles. "Go get ready to go out there. I'll see you at the altar." He smiles and hangs up.

Blaine hands Sam's phone back to him. "Thank you so much. I'm ready now. Let's go." He smiles, adjusting his bow tie in the mirror.


Blaine was standing at the altar, anxiously awaiting for his prince to walk down the aisle when they music kicked on. He turns to his side to see Sam and Cooper, his best men, who both gave him reassuring smiles.

Blaine turns back to the aisle to see Kurt's 'groomswomen' Rachel and Mercedes walking down to their spots, smiling at him, making sure he knew things were okay.

And then Blaine felt his heart swell when he saw Kurt walking down the aisle with Burt on one side of him and Carole on the other.

Carole took her seat and Burt walked up because he was officiating the wedding. Kurt stood next to Blaine, holding his hands and smiling sweetly at him.

Blaine was already crying, smiling at his breathtaking fiancé as Kurt teared up, holding Blaine's hands and squeezing them gently.

"Welcome everybody." Burt starts, smiling at the boys in front of him. "So, as per Kurt's request. I have prepared a little speech. It's a little sappy but since these two are already crying, I think that's okay." He smiles and then starts his speech.

"Love is a temporary madness, it erupts like volcanoes and then subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the sharing of promises or eternal passion, it is not the desire to mate every second minute of the day, it is not lying awake at night imagining that he is kissing every nook and cranny of your body. No, don't blush, I am telling you some truths. That is just being "in love," which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident."

Kurt and Blaine blush, squeezing each others hands as they giggle at each other.

"I remember how when Kurt was a sophomore in high school, I walked downstairs to see him dancing around to single ladies in a black leotard." Burt chuckles. "He then tried to convince me that he was doing it for football and that one of the girls dancing with him was his girlfriend." Burt laughs, waving to Brittany.

"He's come so far and seeing him accept himself more after I accepted him, has been truly magical." Burt tears up. "I remember when Kurt first told me about Blaine. He came home from Dalton for Christmas break and just went on and on about this boy he met and I swear I saw hearts in his eyes." Burt smiles at Kurt and then turns to Blaine.

"Oh Blaine." Burt chuckles. "I remember the first time I saw you. You were sleeping in my sons bed, totally hungover. But that's not what I count as the first time I met you." He smiles. "You came over for dinner one night. You brought Carole flowers and I have to admit, you made a wonderful first impression on us. We could tell how in love you were with our son and that was all we needed. You are a wonderful young man and I am proud to officially call you my son." He smiles.

"Now enough with the chit chat, let's get to the important stuff." Burt winks. "Do you, Kurt Hummel, take Blaine Anderson, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." Kurt smiles, rubbing his thumbs over the backs of Blaine's hands.

"Do you, Blaine Anderson, take Kurt Hummel, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" Burt asks.

"I do." Blaine grins.

"May we now have the rings?" Burt asks.

Sam hands them the rings and they place them on each other's fingers.

"I now pronounce you Husband and Husband. You may now kiss one another." Burt smiles. Blaine let go of Kurt's hands, bringing one hand up to Kurt's cheek and the other hand dropping to Kurt's waist, kissing him lovingly, dipping him back some.

They stood up and disconnected their lips, giggling as they grabbed each other's hands and walked back down the aisle, their hearts full and content.

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