Stress Reliever

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Blaine got home from the little coffee shop he works at and he walked back to Kurt's room, finding Kurt sitting on the bed with his head in his hands and a workbook in his lap. He goes and sits next to Kurt, rubbing his back. "What's wrong, love?"

Kurt sighs, staring down at his book "none of this makes sense! If I don't pass this final exam I'm going to fail this year and be kicked out of Nyada." He says, almost crying because of how stressed out he was.

Blaine sets the workbook aside and pulling Kurt into his chest. "Babe, you have nearly perfect grades in that class, even if you fail this final, it's not going to make you fail the year. You could get a zero and still make it out of the class with a passing average." Blaine says, rubbing Kurt's back and placing soft kisses to Kurt's head.

Kurt sighs, gently crying into Blaine's chest. "I know, I just keep stressing myself out and then I overthink everything and then I get emotional and well... you know how I am." He frowns.

Blaine wipes Kurt's tears away. "Let's forget about the test for now. I'll help you study in the morning but for right now, we aren't going to even think about it. Okay?"

Kurt nods and sniffles "I'm sorry for being like this. You don't deserve to have to put up with me when I'm like this."

"Kurt, I signed up for all of you when I married you." Blaine smiles, cupping Kurt's cheek. "I signed up for your stress and your overthinking of things and your tears. And I wouldn't trade it for anything." Blaine smiles.

Kurt blushes "r-really?" He asks, cuddling up into Blaine's chest and smiling up at him.

"Of course really!" He giggles "what the hell did you expect me to say? 'No, I don't want to see you cry, go in the other room till you're done'?" He teases, giggling even more.

Kurt giggles. "Is it possible to fall even more in love with you?" He asks dreamily.

"Nope!" Blaine giggles. "You're already as in love with me as I will allow." He teases.

Kurt gives him a sassy look.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Blaine huts up his hands in surrender.

Kurt smirks "you better be. Or else I'm gonna hide your hair gel and your contacts and make you go to work with curly hair and glasses every day."

Blaine flips over, pulling Kurt with him, making it so that Kurt was underneath him and Blaine just starts tickling Kurt's sides and kissing all over his face and neck softly to tickle him even more.

Kurt giggles and kicks around wildly and manages to flip them over and stop Blaine from tickling him anymore.

Blaine bolts up and kisses Kurt deeply, cupping his cheek with one hand and grabbing his ass with the other hand.

Kurt moans softly into the kiss, gently grinding on Blaine.


"Babe, come cuddle with meeee." Blaine whines while Kurt was getting the food from the door that the delivery guy had just dropped off.

"I'm coming, calm your tits." Kurt giggles as he sits down on the couch with Blaine and cuddled up with him, eating their Chinese food for dinner.

They ate their food and then cuddled up under the blankets on the couch, watching Christmas movies.

They soon fell asleep in each other's arms and slept until the next morning.


Kurt woke up and checked the time. He wasn't quite paying attention until he checked the time again and he realized he had fifteen minutes to get ready and go to his class.

He screamed and ran back to the bedroom to get dressed and grab his bag. He woke up Blaine by kissing his forehead softly "bye, baby. I'll see you in a little bit. I love you." He says before rushing out to get to his class.


Kurt got home and bursted into the apartment "BLAINE! BABE! WHERE ARE YOUUUUUU?" He says in a sing song voice because he was excited.

Blaine turns the corner, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair a wet mess of curls. "What?! Are you okay??"

"I GOT A 90 ON MY FINALLLLLL!" Kurt squeals excitedly, running up to Blaine and hugging him tightly and then pulling away.

Blaine giggles "yay!!!" He smiles, kissing Kurt softly. "I think this calls for celebration." He smirks.

Kurt blushes "maybe it does..." he smirks back at Blaine and then he was pulled off to the bedroom.

Klaine One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon